Hey, new to the forum, and haven’t even started LD
I’m gonna go to bed in about 2 hours, what can i do to dream a LD at the first time?
Is there any mp3 help thing?
And do i have to wake up, then get to sleep to LD?
Dont read if you dont want to. It’s essencional of LDing.
Repeat to Yourself: Tonight i will recogenize my dream. Just in head, not loud. Do it from now to time when you will fall asleep. It’s called MILD. If it will work, in dream you will recogenize your dream.
[com]And do i have to wake up, then get to sleep to LD?[/com]
This is called WBTB. It is a method of having an LD. It is not nessicary, but may be useful. So no, you don’t have to, but if you want to or can, go ahead. It doesn’t hurt and can really help some people. If you are motivated, try MILD, which works very well. This is the process of telling yourself, and believing, that you will have a Lucid Dream tonight. It is not like saying “I might buy a car soon,” but more like saying and knowing “I will buy a car today.” It may or may not work. The important thing is to believe that it will, and that you will have an LD.