hi i have looked in to LD a week ago. i have very high motivated so that i try MILD, WILD and WBTB every night, but there is a big problem about WILD.
When during WILD, i like to count numbers with “i am dreaming”. i went to sleep the first night and the second night with WILD. and i secueed to recall my dream at second night. the problem is now when i try to do WILD, i couldn’t be able to get to sleep. Last night i was lying in bed doing WILD for an hour and there is wired things going on in my head but i still known my sleeping position and it start to get irritate because i stay at the same position for an hour. Sleeping to me at that state just seem so far, just feels like i would never get to sleep with WILD. So at the end i just try to get to sleep normally without WILD. But i kept waking up every hour or so. And i don’t really think i have even get to REM state and so i couldn’t recall any dream last night. i’ve got a feeling this is because the WILD i did. Have i done it wrong? Does it feel right when i doing WILD? Do you go to sleep with WILD and do you still know you are sleeping and your sleeping position??
Please can someone help me out?
Um… that’s the problem with a failed WILD attempt. You’re either asleep or you’re awake. And when you’re awake, you probably will be for a while…
If you’re still awake, that means you’re trying too hard, and you need to relax and stop thinking as much.
I would suggest using WBTB, but evidently you’re using that already.
WILD is different for everyone. I personally have myself ALMOST get to sleep, then concentrate on white noise (that ringing noise in your ear). But it’s probably different for you. I’m not saying that counting doesn’t work at all, as I’ve done that a few times as well. Just find what works best for you. Once you do that, the hard part’s over.