hello my name is brandon and i suppose im a newbie to lucid dreaming i have a hard time remembering my dreams and plus i have a hard time with ambition but im willing to start today to learn how to have lucid dreams is there eny one who could help me me on this path well it would be very appreciated i am 16 unfortently my parents dont really care which is cool i guess but in reality i have control of my dreams not them lol i think it would be really cool to be like in the matrix be like neo lol
doging bullets and stuff but im kinda getting of subject well not really i really do need help i dont know were to start eny advice?
Start by reading www.ld4all.com, all of it.
It’s like a guide for noobs.
well i guess i could start with dream recall maybe that would work for now but dang it im really impatient is there eny devices or self-hypnosis meditations that can inhance the changes of having a lucid dream, all already read it so i guess im a fast reader well thnx plz replie
You could buy a NovaDreamer (or the newer design called the Dream Maker). Only thing is… the NovaDreamer costs a bomb…
And the Dream Maker costs a nuke and a half…
Improving DR only takes a little while, and if you want you can start practicing LD’ing and improve your DR at the same time (I did).
If you’re using the MILD technique, then just add ‘Iwill remember my dreams’ onto your mantra (so it will be something like, ‘I will realise I’m dream, I will remember my dreams,’)
What’s those things (novedreamer and the dream maker) ?
i dont know about those but i use brain wave generator im lazy and dont like to think so i lise and i try hlid ( hypnosis induced lucid dreaming its cool i ll have to find the link i use)
Different techniques work for different people, so try several until you find the one that works for you. There really is no “instant LD” formula to use and it does take work (unless you’re a natural, which I am not). I’d suggest, as was mentioned, starting out with MILD, trying it for a week or two, and if it doesn’t work move on to something else.
For general information, the NovaDreamer was developed by the Lucidity Institute to help induce LDs. It is a mask worn over the eyes that detects when a person is in REM stage and causes a red light to flash. The idea is that that flash will transmit itself into the person’s dream in some form or another and the person will use that as a dream-sign to induce an LD. However, 1. it costs about $400, and 2. it’s no longer being made. As far as I know, the lucidity instiute is trying to come out with something new.
Anyway, if you have any questions about specific induction techniques, recall methods, etc. feel free to ask. Personally, to improve your recall I would create a dream journal. You can either keep a notebook by your bed to write in when you first wake up, or if it works better, keep a tape-recorder handy so you can record them that way. It just depends on personal preference.
Hope this was helpful.
If you are lazy try “calea Zacatechichi”, herb used by Chontales here in Mexico, Oaxaca to have LD, improve dream recalling, and revelation. Go to www.erowid.com, there you will find more information. Its very cheap, and in most cases safe.
thnx guys i guess i will go with the WILD fisrt and i guess i need a dream journal i will start tonight and seewut the results are when i do get my first lucid dream what should i expect like what will happen?
In addition to that I also suggest you do RC durring the day.
my edvie: do RC’s all the time, and do MILD!!!
good luck!
(visit ld4all.com)
Hi baphe_metis211 ! Welcome to LD4all !
As Element told you, you’ll find general information on the https://www.ld4all.com home page. There is also very good information in the LD Wikibook. Don’t forget to have a look on them !
The first thing to do is to have a dream journal, as you planned to do.
Generally speaking, I don’t think that WILD is a very good beginning : some people have very good results with it, but most of LDers can’t WILD. For instance, I’ve about 80 LD’s, and I can’t WILD though I try for years !
So you can try WILD during a week, and if you have no interesting results, try one of the DILD techniques, like auto-suggestion, MILD, the “find your hands” technique, etc.
Another point : if you just discover WILD, you have to know that you may experience strange phenomena when you try and fall asleep consciously : they’re called hypnagogic imagery and hypnagogic hallucinations (vibrations, sounds, etc.). They differ according to the dreamer. Though they can be very strange, you don’t have to be afraid : hallucinations are due to the fact that some parts of your brain are becoming sleepy, while others are not.
A good thing is to plan what you’ll do first when you’ll become lucid. If you don’t, you’ll say “Waw ! I’m dreaming !”… and wake up. A LD dream is like reality, but you can change, see and do what you want… with some luck
hey does anyone have the link to the information abou the HILD ?