Hey there everyone! I stumbled on lucid dreaming yesterday while researching ley lines and then out of body experiences. I must say i am very intrigued, so much so in fact that i downloaded a couple of programs and resources and did a bit of research into lucid dreaming too. I opened up Paradiso and LucidWarp yesterday and read the intros and Day One sections from both, and then day two today. I think i’ll focus primarily on Paradiso as it seems a bit more in-depth and interesting, what with the whole dreamscape design - I’ve already designed mine and put it into a rather long Word document! But i shall endeavor to read LucidWarp daily as well as it seems to cover another aspect that would appear to be important: belief. So following them both would seem to be a good course of action.
But anyway, i do have a question - with the brainwave generator, does it matter what volume you listen to the frequencies? If i have it too quiet the frequency changes, compared to when i listen to it on full-volume, but if i do that i get a bit of a headache as it’s so loud.
Thanks for any advice!