KK…lets do something here, Haven’t you Noticed that when they were dreaming they were lucid? (it don’t take a scientist to know they were but i still dont think many poeple do) Why do you think they didn’t take advantage of there Powers? (I think in part 3 they did when they were changing into stuff), I think if they knew what they could of done they would of Easily defeated Freddy, Don’t you?
and If you were a character there what would you have done?
I agree konkeptz…if they used full awareness they beat up freddy big time and changed his razers into eternal daisy’s make him look like an ugly silly fool!
Or just wish those arms away…lol…or be liquid body then all his razors cant do zip to you but you still can drown freddy lol.
Or lol turn him into a rubic cube and change the combination and let him unsolve himself
haha me too, im not really focusing on lds right now though, but i pretty much agree, i’d turn into a gaint version of him self and throw him every where
urrrh I used to love that movie series, brilliant display of dreaming/horror nightmare i’ve ever seen, I only realised a while ago that they were “in controll” to some extent… like the cartoon comic guy, whom turns into a giant robo-character, but it seems that freddy was somehow in controll aswell… where as he could enter thier dreams, and literally kill them within, a pretty scary thought even though it’s just a movie.
The fact i had NO dreams that i recollect, that had to do with the movie/s that i watched over and over, from the first to the last… in detail scares me more.
The characters in the movie slowly learn that freddie can kill within the dream, somehow…and it shows they research quite extensivly with books and such. The first movies show that they’re innocent, clueless teenagers with no controll of what happens… freddie intrudes and kills with ease.
The latter movies show a more lucid and controlling view…as the main character learns about this dream killer, and shares the knowledge with the other victims, they learn it’s possible to have controll, even though they usually end up dying in the end, except the main character who strives on.
The final movie, she the dream character and main character… has near total controll, when she chooses what she does in the dream freddie created, and chooses her actions to defeat him.
The only things she was not able to control, was the surroundings…
she knew she was dreaming, she knew she had to defeat this monster to save her life. It’s exxagerated in the movie to add a scary, mental block sort of thing…all the kids that have weak tolerance to these movies may be put off for life, thinking outside the sqaure was this evil pizza faced razor hand cerial killer out to take thier life.
When really, it’s all about control, willpower… overcoming the mental block that resides within yourself. Freddie is merely the block, the shadow creature, the fear that resides in your subconscious that you must defeat to have freedom, and total control.
I only saw the first movie 2 months ago… I haven’t seen any of the other ones yet.
But, if they did use their dream powers, Freddy could’ve done it right back… So it would be this bizarre battle of who had the better imagination Actually, that might make for an interesting storyline… If they haven’t done that already
I had a dream about Freddy Krueger last night- or at least I hope it was only about him, and it wasn’t really him in person! In the dream, I was in a new Nightmare on Elm Street movie. So, I knew the people around me were only characters, but I thought they were movie characters, not dream characters. I didn’t become lucid, so I didn’t have the opportunity to try and use any dream powers agains him.
Well, it looks like watching Freddy vs Jason has given me nightmares. I never would have expected that!
but you know, freddy was supposed to be real so it might not be as easy to defeat him as with the standard imaginary dreamchars… Remember that he also had powers and if you watched the latest movie “freddyVSjason” you see he is pretty powerfull in real world too.
And yeah, in later movies they did have some powers and was lucid.
I wonder what it would be like to fight Freddy and/or Jason in a lucid dream?
Anyway, if Freddy were real and you were fighting him in a dream, he’d be pretty tough even if you had lucid powers. I imagine he would get a lot of practice seeing that he lives in the dreamworld.