Ehm… that might work on some enemys but those it work in 1000 slow zombies trapping u? It’s impossible to avoid looking at them if your eyes are open and I’ve been in several dreams when they bite me.
In the Laberge book (the new one) there is a mention that it’s better to reason with them… never tried this so far and I don’t have any usually.
I’ve used prayer in dreams so far and in some cases I imagined I’m some superhero so I fired some imaginary rays of sorts at them and destroyed them…
Laberge doesn’t like this and prefers that one dialogue with them…
Jack prefers to turn them all into women:)
Interesting solution, Jack!
Jack, great one, teach us how to do this…
Use your Magic Wands for gods sake!
Or you can just say, “Hey, wait… why are you coming to me?”
They might reply in a weird way… or it’s possible that they won’t reply. Just show them that you’re their friend and that you would like to know what’s wrong. That usually should turn your nightmare into a sweet talking dream.
Or you can try Jack’s version… turning them all into women. Maybe I should try that… except in my case… turning them all into HOOOOOT CUTE men! Hehehe.
I have always read from LaBerge and others (Patricia Garfield, for another example*) that you should confront your dream enemies, but what if the “enemy” is just a foreboding/ominous feeling, not an actual entity? I have had nightmares in which everything just seemed really weird, (almost like a bad acid trip, if anyone knows what that is like) scary, unpleasant, dark, etc., a feeling that nothing was as it should have been, but no actual creature was threatening me. It was a very bad feeling and I wonder if that was my brain trying to tell me I was dreaming and as usual, I missed the sign. I would hope that my brain wouldn’t be that cruel to itself and use scare tactics, although a “creature nightmare” did help to get me lucid my first and only time.
Anyway, how does a person confront something like this? Speak aloud in the dream to the intangible feeling? I have only been lucid the one time mentioned above, so I’m not experienced, but some day when I do gain dream control, if that type of dream ever happens again, I would like to know what to do. And in dreams, things supposedly represent parts of ourselves or our lives so I wonder what part of me or my life that overwhelming feeling of doom represented? General stress level, maybe? Has anyone else had a dream like this? Thanks.
- Side note: I didn’t like P. Garfield’s book “Creative Dreaming” very much, it was kind of boring and I skipped around a lot…anyone else read it and have an opinion?
For me, a person who has had zombie dreams for as long as dreams have been around, there are two solutions:
A. Go all Matrix on them and kick your way to freedom!
B. Turn them all into your zombie slaves and take over humanity!
Though I do like Jack’s idea… =P
Transform into a zombie yourself. Zombies won’t attack other zombies.
IMO, it’s a good possibility. Shout that this feeling is uninteresting and you want to change it. I think this kind of feeling is rather common. I can change it just by will, by thinking I don’t find it funny to experienced fear. It’s often related to lucidity level. So you can increase your lucidity too. I had such a problem once : I become lucid in a nightmarish atmosphere. I tried to change it mentally, but it was like I was stuck in it. Then I shouted “Lucid! Lucid! Lucid!” until I felt a increase in my lucidity level and the atmosphere disappeared all of a sudden.
I have been very interested in this topic, so thanks for discussing it!
I had a ND a while ago in which i was in a quiet town near the beach. I was walking around with a little girl trying to help her find her way back home, when i saw the end of a black piece of material slide into a front door. We both walked in quietly and saw a extremely tall (so tall he had to duck under the doorways) black cloaked figuire floating into the bedroom. I became very scared as i realised this was death, but when i looked at the girl i got a weird feeling of confidence, so we both jumped on his back and beat him to death!!! (very violently)
I was impressed with my feat, i think it was symbolic of something in my life, but i did feel triumphant upon awakening.
Anyways, thats my story…
- Peace
Cool dream, Taipan.
Maybe now you’re invincible, lol
For Bob’s sake! Put on some trance music, they will start dancing!
remembering the BEST nightmare EVER