i am familiar with the old hag phenomenon, my first time with it was a bit startling because i could sense a presence of someone or something right next to me in a dark room. however, the aura from this other entity in my room appeared more friendly. last night, the entity was wicked and very terrifying like a demonic aura taunting me.
on another account of a likewise occurrence, as i’ve said it happened more than once before, it was late at night and there was no one in the house but me for the entire week. i fell asleep and i was being taunted again by a dark aura, it would barely let me move, and i’m half conscious but not enough to know that it isn’t real. i managed to get out of my bed in my dark room and stagger into the hallway, the whole time my body was being weighed down by this evil presence so i was crashing into the walls trying to get some momentum to break free of the grip of this dark being that seemed like it was on the threshold of entering into our world through the portal of dreams. every time i got a certain distance away, about to exit the hallway, i’d be reverted back to the start of the hallway to go through the treachery again.
i don’t know if you would still classify this as the old hag’s doing, but maybe, it’s plausible. i mean i have nightmares alot, but these are a bit different because they take place amongst an almost identical basis of reality. not to mention, the presence with me isn’t some sweet old hag (to which i could definitely shoulder), it’s one filled with a powerful and very, very bad, ominous energy.
anyway, i do appreciate your suggestions, help and advice aquiche and dazino, i thought this would end up a dead thread really so it surprised me, thanks. i forgot all about the old hag. i think that’s because most of the time when i got to that point i would mostly feel a weight on my chest and paralyzation with the addition of an occasional mischievous spiritual energy apart from my own physical body. as a result, i never associated it with anything too negative. if the old hag is the case, then at least i can be prepared for next time.
and it would be awesome aquiche if you could get more intelligible members to share information on this and what they have experienced while they were in this state. i’m curious to know what others have happen, see, or sense with them at the time and if any of it is similar to what i’ve sensed. it’s a very good idea, i’d be looking forward to it.
you know dazino, truthfully i am kind of afraid of this presence. i’ve had more than one encounter with it and it’s very toxic, each time it’s like there is no way to win, it’s like it’s shoving my face into a lake of black suffocation night terror, i can’t move and i just drown perpetually, all the while it’s taunting me as the shadow in a room full of shadows trying to consume and extinguish the small amount of light i’m emitting. i don’t want to provoke it, and i don’t want to be victimized by it, but it’s power does scare me. i don’t actually know what to do about it. /sigh oh well. not like it can kill me. lol. instead maybe just torment me to wits end. with the time being, i guess i could attempt meditation so i can form my spiritual energy into a source of protection. maybe it will help some.
and hey, thanks again for your responses!!