NILD -- 100% success :)

Hi all,

I consulted this site extensively many many months ago when I first got into LD’ing. I was really excited about it and tried to do it but unfortunately it never really happened. So, I lost interest and I figured it would probably happen occasionally spontaneously after all the reading and techniques. Well, it never really did.

Cue a few days ago. It is exam time, and this semester I am sometimes trying a new approach. I am getting tired pretty early in the night (~10pm), so instead of staying up studying, I set my alarm off at around 4am to get up and study in the morning. As you may imagine, a lot of times I will just say F it and go back to sleep – not a great study method I must say!

However, the times when I got up and studied for about an hour and a half… lucidity! Now I must admit that while the title is technically true, it is somewhat misleading… as I have only done this twice! But hey, 2 out of 2 is 100%, isn’t it?

This is how it went down: as I went back to sleep, I would hear real noises such as music (by the way, this also happens when I first go down to sleep at night – it’s my cue that I’m about to fall asleep). Soon thereafter, I would find myself in a specific place, like say my street. In a second, would realize that I was dreaming, and I would snap out of it and wake up. This would repeat itself over and over with the length of time of being in the location increasing before I realized I was dreaming and woke up.

My lucid dream last night was not anything special. I was simply in my room where I was sleeping. I don’t know exactly how I realized I was dreaming, but I did. I was walking around my room, noting how some things in my room were not exactly where they were in real life. I picked up a few magazines at one point and the people’s faces were distorted… I said to myself, “well I guess that’s how faces look in dreams”.

At some points I had doubts about whether I was dreaming. At one point my mom from the other room was calling at me to go back to sleep, so I went to close my door (but why would I do that if I knew I was dreaming?) So I went to close the door, and the door didn’t shut with the frame perpendicular to my wall – it actually went further than the wall, towards the hallway. I knew this wasn’t logical so that alleviated my doubts and I became fully lucid again.

I must say that this went on for a very long time… although nothing special happened you must take into account that I’m a total newbie and I was fully aware that I was being lucid during this dream. I tried to make something :wink: appear on my bed but it didn’t work, now reading this site over I know that I have to expect it to be behind my back and turn for something to appear – will try that next time.

After the success, I realized I was doing textbook NILD. I’d encourage people to give it a shot!

First of all, congratulations thats good success!

As for NILD, im not familiar with it. To me it sounds like it is similar (or same?) as WBTB though.

Just that you are studying in that hour or so of being awake, not doing other things.

In LD’s, often, our sub-concsious mind which is in play, during all dreams we have, will often make you think your not dreaming anymore. Eg. your mum asking you to go back to bed was most likely a subconcious entity of your mum doing that.

As for creating things. That isnt easy! Turning around and seeing something you want to be there may work… i havnt tried that
what does also work tho (often), is to think of something being on the other side of a door, then opening the door and seeing it there.

About hearing music as you are drifting off to sleep, IMHO that could be because somehow, near you, an astral entity of a sort is playing music and you can hear it. Since when you sleep you can become active astrally (even without being concsious of it).


lol stranger… i must say that’s a very original explanation for the music :smile: However i’d say that most likely the brain itself, conscious or subconscious, ‘plays’ the music. Most people exploring lucid dreaming and music know that you can get extremely creative while dreaming.

Wh00t - good luck with your lucid explorations, seems you got the hang of it!

Sounds to me like simple WBTB and unintentional WILD…

… then again, I’ve never WILD’ed, so I can’t really say…