Hi all,
I consulted this site extensively many many months ago when I first got into LD’ing. I was really excited about it and tried to do it but unfortunately it never really happened. So, I lost interest and I figured it would probably happen occasionally spontaneously after all the reading and techniques. Well, it never really did.
Cue a few days ago. It is exam time, and this semester I am sometimes trying a new approach. I am getting tired pretty early in the night (~10pm), so instead of staying up studying, I set my alarm off at around 4am to get up and study in the morning. As you may imagine, a lot of times I will just say F it and go back to sleep – not a great study method I must say!
However, the times when I got up and studied for about an hour and a half… lucidity! Now I must admit that while the title is technically true, it is somewhat misleading… as I have only done this twice! But hey, 2 out of 2 is 100%, isn’t it?
This is how it went down: as I went back to sleep, I would hear real noises such as music (by the way, this also happens when I first go down to sleep at night – it’s my cue that I’m about to fall asleep). Soon thereafter, I would find myself in a specific place, like say my street. In a second, would realize that I was dreaming, and I would snap out of it and wake up. This would repeat itself over and over with the length of time of being in the location increasing before I realized I was dreaming and woke up.
My lucid dream last night was not anything special. I was simply in my room where I was sleeping. I don’t know exactly how I realized I was dreaming, but I did. I was walking around my room, noting how some things in my room were not exactly where they were in real life. I picked up a few magazines at one point and the people’s faces were distorted… I said to myself, “well I guess that’s how faces look in dreams”.
At some points I had doubts about whether I was dreaming. At one point my mom from the other room was calling at me to go back to sleep, so I went to close my door (but why would I do that if I knew I was dreaming?) So I went to close the door, and the door didn’t shut with the frame perpendicular to my wall – it actually went further than the wall, towards the hallway. I knew this wasn’t logical so that alleviated my doubts and I became fully lucid again.
I must say that this went on for a very long time… although nothing special happened you must take into account that I’m a total newbie and I was fully aware that I was being lucid during this dream. I tried to make something appear on my bed but it didn’t work, now reading this site over I know that I have to expect it to be behind my back and turn for something to appear – will try that next time.
After the success, I realized I was doing textbook NILD. I’d encourage people to give it a shot!