Alas, I sold my Gamecube on ebay 4 years ago. I did get a pretty good price for it, though, so no complaints from me. Gamecube was a weak console, in my opinion. But I believe the Wii has amazing potential for greatness, and so I think I shall purchase it.
I like the fact how there will be free internet gameplay on the Wii, unlike the Xbox, which is pay-to-play. I had it for three years, and that got pretty expensive
Bwahaha, mine’s been pre-ordered for months! (long live canada and toys-r-us)! I’m getting Twilight Princess and Excite Truck with it, and in the near future I plan on buying Metroid Prime 3, Call of Duty 3 and The surgery game which name I forgot . I’m going for the Wii because it’s cheap and looks VERY innovative, though the PS3 interests me a lot as well.
I’ve pre-ordered my Wii, but I Probably won’t get it till after Christmas, since i was 59th on the pre-order list. I probably won’t get an extra game apart from Wii sports, because of my lack of money. If i do get it after Christmas, i’d be able to get a game and a controller, which would be cool. It’s just that i don’t want to wait
I was going to preorder one. My mom went into toys r us a while back and asked about preordering and they had no idea what she was talking about. She came back 2 weeks later and they said sorry, we are done with all the preorders.
Tomorow night I’ve got this press event for retail bussisnes in which we are to test and play the Wii at Nintendo. And when it comes out here, the eight of december, I’m first in line to buy one. My parents are payin’ the system, since it is going to be a real household utillity. Everyone here plays the gamecube, and with the wii it will be no else.
I’ve decided to wait until next year to get a next-gen console. First I’d like to take a good look at what each system has to offer me before I upgrade from my good ol’ ps2. With that said I believe that the playstation 3 will be the most successful and worthwhile system to own thanks to it’s vast processing power and sony’s commitment and support for the system. The XB360 felt premature and rushed to beat the other systems to the market, time will tell if their decision to jump the gun was a wise decision (probably not IMO). I’d love it if the Wii was very successful but I fear that after the novelty of the controller wears off, and nintendo doesn’t have any blockbusters like Zelda left, that the system will fall behind the other two systems and go the way of the gamecube. I guess we will see which console comes out on top over the next few months though…
The Wii will be different from Gamecube simply because it has online connectivity. As long as a system has the online capability, the games have massively increased replay value. I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein for two years online alone, even though it was just a simple shoot-em-up. The Wii will be great, man.
Nintendo is the video game god among all game developers, and I give them mucho respect for the N64 which kicked the Sony and Sega’s butts with their PSX and Genesis systems But after the PS2 and with the launch of the PS3 and Microsoft getting in the mix with the XBox and XBox 360 and revamped game titles like Grand Theft Auto, Tekken, Final Fantasy–and newer titles like SOCOM, Ninja Gaiden, and some other third game Nintendo’s slowly falling out of the game wars
Personally, I’m not impressed with the design of the Wii (Wheeee! )…I mean, the controller-system is pretty cool, but the design is kinda quirky and a bit…awkward The price–$250–is awesome, but it kinda let’s you know what you’re getting when you compare it to the $600 (>.<) PS3 and the $400 XBox 360. Nintendo still kicks butt when it comes to games (sometimes…), but I’m really hoping this isn’t what we’ve been long anticipating and that Nintendo’s just buying time before they come out with something better
Until then though, I’m sticking with my (maybe ridiculously priced) PS3
The only thing that really bothers me about it is it’s lack of FPS titles. Xbox 360 and PS3 have a bunch of them announced, but Wii is pretty lacking in that regard. I think I’ll wait and see for a bit before I make my decision.
I think it’s because Nintendo’s rushing to compete with Sony and Microsoft with the holidays coming up I know Sony rushed the PS3 because I’ve heard of people having problems with the backwards compatibility (I haven’t had any problems…yet ) and they’re only releasing 400,000 units to the U.S. because of shortages (same thing happened here in Japan ), but I think they’ll work out the problems after the holidays Meanwhile, XBox 360’s already got momentum going so I can see why Nintendo may be lacking in FPS titles…
They have one that looks pretty good called red steel, though I guess if you are a big fps fan that might not be enough.
Oh, a little off topic, but like like this forum better than gamefaqs. If this topic had started there, it would have soon turned into a fanboy based flamewar.
I think that Nintendo doesn’t really have to try to compete with Sony or Microsoft; because the Xbox and PS series are such high-powered systems, they are extremely costly to make (which is reflected in the price). However even by being much more expensive than anything Nintendo puts out, they are still not profitable for Sony or Microsoft. The only reason they can get away with making consoles like these is because they can pool resources from other areas of the companies. So, Nintendo will always fair well, and the real battle will be between the XBox and the PS3…it’s going to be interesting to see how the next gen systems fair in competition.
I think Nintendo has the right idea by making a system like Wii, which is very innovative, and appeals to new and experienced gamers at the same time.
I agree and disagree with that Because of basic economics, I don’t believe Microsoft and Sony would waste time and money on these consoles if they weren’t making some kind of respectable profit from them. There’s definitely a high demand for these consoles (despite the high prices) and Sony and Microsoft are definitely going to supply the goods when the demand reaches a high enough point (which is pretty much and inevitability during the holiday season ) The Playstation and XBox are the hottest systems out in the gaming industry (and when we’re talking about pure gaming competition, Microsoft and Sony are making mega bucks) which means, while the price-tag for those systems are quite high, when you ultimately take into account inflation (systems were $300 during the late '90s when Playstation made its debut–I think the prices are kinda keeping up with inflation and wage raises ) and the quality you’re getting from such a system (c’mon, you can play video games and DVDs in HD, music, online gaming, 30-60 GB hard-drives, wireless controllers–basically an entertainment center rolled into a neat package) people are highly demanding them, especially once you also consider new PS2 and XBox games will slowly cease to show up However, Nintendo is a video game GIANT that’s been in the business from the start (almost…) and no Sony of Microsoft game can ever replace Mario (then again, Sonic jumped from the Sega console to the others once Sega fizzled out ), and Nintendo’s still got a lot of die hard followers, but I believe eventually, Nintendo will end up just like Atari, Lynx, and Sega, and become another “one that started it all” historic game console sitting in some media museum while Sony and Microsoft take over from there (unless Nintendo can pull one helluva rabbit out of their hat )…but they have the right idea, like you said, of appealing to new and veteran gamers alike I just believe the next generation of gaming is already beginning to overshadow Nintendo
I think that there will be a lot of FPS games for the wii, actually. The remote/nunchuck combo seems to pretty much be made for first person shooting! The only reason I don’t like FPSes on the consoles (I play them on the PC) is because I can’t be quick with the regular controllers.
Having the remote will be much like a mouse, except faster. It’s like playing with a light gun, without cords, without the normal light gun limitations, and has extra features to it.
I think that games like metroid, red steel, and zelda will really take off because of the shooting and archery.
YAY, I have my Wii, Zelda, Call of Duty, an extra controller and nunchuck, classic controller, and 2000 Wii points. I have already bought and download SimCity for SNES for 800 wii points.
Oh yeah, I have a 2nd Wii too to sale for profit to pay for the first
Opera the webbrowser won’t be available until after Jan. 2007, so I’ll make a post here then .
Also, the weather channel isn’t avail until late December, and the News channel not until Jan. 2007. … but it has not disappointed me otherwise.
Oh, absolutely. I think what Josh means, is that Sony and Microsoft were able to spend ludicrous amounts of money during the research and development of these consoles, solely because they could afford to cover the massive costs using their existing capital. Both companies have billions at their disposal, while Nintendo probably isn’t willing to risk as much on redesigning entirely new hardware.
Besides, almost all consoles sell at a loss. The original X-Box never made MS one cent of profit (at least, not the console itself). Each unit was sold for far less than it cost them to make. However, this is acceptable, as software is typically marked up above 50%, so purchasing just a handful of games along with your console essentially makes up for the loss from the hardware. And seeing as consumers are likely to purchase more games as time goes on, the profit margin starts to ramp up very steeply. New controllers, memory cards, cables, external HDDs and other devices also bring in large profits, as it certainly doesn’t cost MS $60 to turn a lump of plastic into a new controller.
When it comes to sword games like Zelda (which is the only one I’ve played with the Wii controller, so my opinion may lack credibility ), it works out pretty nice…I hafta admit
I’m actually rather unfamilar with all of the 3rd generation systems, I’ve been waiting to here from other people. Anywho, with sword games (Zelda for example) does the controller actually enable you to do the actual sword fighting instead of pressing B to use it?