Nintendo Wii

Well with the Wii controller there’s this position and motion tracking that lets you mimic actual game actions, such as swinging a sword instead of simply pushing buttons :smile: How it will apply to other games other than Zelda, I’ve yet to find out :shrug:

Hmm, it’s estimated that Sony is losing 350-400 dollars per platform sold. Ouch. The Xbox 360 is making money on theirs now, with $75 per platform sold, so that’s pretty good.

Who will win the console wars? Time will tell! I think that it would be in the 360’s best interest to lower prices once their sales start to slow down somewhat. Personally, I am anti-PS3, but I want some healthy competition: makes for a cheaper 360 when I finally decide to buy it :smile:

Anti PS3…but why? That would mean no final fantasy! :cry: :cry: . I am going to wait for the prices to drop however.

I purchased two more games today.

Trama Center: Second Opinion, … it’s a surgery game

and Rampage … it’ was only $24.99 , so I tried it and it’s pretty fun to let out frustration eating people and throwing cars into buildings with the wii-mote :happy:

I love the controller so far with all 4 of these games.

Zelda is a blast after the usual boring 20 minute begining stages. Call of duty is so … immersive and exciting.

I love the wii-mote!!! All other controls seem so boring now. :smile:

I’ve been emailing with my Wii to regular email address. I can’t wait to register some Wii friends to communicate with.

/me wonders how long it will take players to get aching arms with overuse of the wii-mote? :tongue:

/me too :ebil:
(yay the PS3 controll is not a boomrang any more :grin: )

I’m not so sure I like the wiimote… I’m sure it works well with some games, but I’d like to have some games that can be played the old-fashioned way, and I have a feeling the Wii isn’t going to deliver in that regard. I’ll probably end up getting it sooner or later, though. I’m too much of a video game addict to do without a next-gen system, but the PS3 is too expensive, and Xbox 360 doesn’t really appeal to me. :neutral:


I’m already sore haha. Too much wii sports. The other ones don’t take so much action :smile:
Baseball in particular. Hitting a home run without the sensitivity jacked to the max is pretty hard and requires a really hard swing!

Don’t worry about that. You can use Gamecube controls on the Wii. :content:

And the Wii itself will have a special controller for old arcade games. :happy:

I wonder if i can use my old xbox controller on the xbox 360, i hope so.

I really like it when you can combine old stuff with the new engines :smile: Nintendo is really good at that, look at the gameboys for example :grin:

(Or the playstations. :content: ,they did it first.)

I thought of beyeng the DS(it was realy cheep one place), but when I heard that you coulden’t play GB and GBC games on it, I changed my mind.

My arms are fine with the new Zelda controls and my thumbs thank Nintendo!
but my parents lamp during a game of bowling wasn’t as lucky. :tongue: and I was using the wriststrap!

Well I must say I’m impresses, the controller works like a charm and the Wii sports are reasonably accurate (except for golf). Also is there a way to alter sensativity because when I played the golf game a little hip high swing would send the bar right up into the red?

What is Wii standing for?

someone said it’s some sort of name the chinase made from we

and you can play GB and GBC games on the DS, after all, you can play GBA games on it too

The name of the console is explained here :smile:

There is controller sensitivity settings in the wii options under the “sensor” category :smile:
I set mine down 1 step, but it makes hitting home runs a lot harder lol

Yes, but how many games are actually going to be compatible with the GC controllers? The only one I know of is SSB: Brawl.

Well, I got to play the Wii at Gamestop yesterday… I didn’t see the title of the game, but considering that it was a racing game with lots of trucks, I’m assuming it was Excite Truck. :tongue: It was better than I expected… I thought it would be akward turning the wiimote like a steering wheel, but it actually worked well enough. I still think some games are probably better off with standard controls, though.

There’s one more concern I have with the Wii… anyone know whether it’s RF compatible? I noticed that Nintendo discontinued their RF switch/modulator, which can’t be good… my TV only has an RF input. My VCR has AV inputs, but I’d rather not have to turn on the VCR every time I want to play a game. :meh:

I’ve seen ads for the Wii … and they are highlighting the sports mainly … tennis etc
They seem to be just trying to widen the market to people who may not have played games before.
And as for Zelda … the actor in the ad waving his arm…
if I played FF like that I would have an aching arm before the first day was done :tongue: