Hello, new member here. I just picked up Lucid Dreaming with no success so far, but ever since picking it up, I have had no dream recall. Has this happened to anyone else?
How long have you been trying to improve your recall and how are you trying to improve it?
Do you mean you have had some recall before?
Maybe you just notice your recall a lot more. Try writing a dream journal. Even if you don’t have a dream writing about any feelings you had, any images, even just writing that you didn’t have a dream will improve your recall.
I did have recall before, some very vivid some not so vivid. I will start a dream journal as i have heard its what helps the most, but why would my recall just vanish like that?
it happened to me also, for a few days i haven’t think about dreams or dreaming at all, so in the morning there wasn’t any dream recall at all, even I could remember a five dreams per night when I was practicing… and yes, start DJ because i will help you a lot!!!