Okay, so those of you who read my DJ regularly may have noticed, but I’ve had a HUGE dry spell. The longest I’ve ever had, i think. A month without dreams. The strange thing is, usually i know i’ve dreamt, even when I can’t remember them, but now I don’t remember even having any. It all began when i started going out with a girl about a month ago, and i haven’t had a dream since then, even though she has since dumped me. What could be causing this lack of dreams? And, more importantly, does anyone have any suggestions on how to get them back?
I forgot to mention. Lately, i’ve been getting frequent headaches, and getting very stressed for no reason. Could this be linked?
The headaches, I don’t know but stress usually causes me to have a dry spell. Seems like you have anxiety… Talk to your doctor. You don’t seem very well.
I will… If i can convince the grandparents to take me in.
Plus, one more thing i forgot (yes, i seem to be getting more forgetful ) is that i’ve not felt very rested either. I wake up tired, no matter how long i’ve been asleep, and stay feeling tired all day. I think i’ve been getting more sleep than usual, too. It just doesn’t add up. More sleep but less rest.
Not to be gross or anything, but do you masturbate?
If so, stop for awhile and you will see that you will remember dreams, I don’t know about the headaches and stressed though.
Never heard that before… Starts Thinking
Neither have I… However, i was on camp not long ago, and i don’t usually do it in the presence of other people, and i still remembered nothing.
Then again, how is it gross? Most guys do it, the thing is, most won’t admit it.
hm… stop trying to remember them, it seems that you are “counting” the days without dreams, that only makes you better in not remembering them… dont think about them, when you get the “dream” topic from your head thoy should come back…
that is just my opinion!
anyway, i hope they will return soon!
HebrewB you can never know if anyone thinks it’s gross or not. Try the methods on Ld4all.com (not the forum) about dreamrecall, might help!
Well, some good news, i had a dream last night, and will post it in a few munites.
I hadn’t had a dream in the past few days either, and I’ts making me mad, because I KNOW I will become lucid as soon as I have a dream.