I remember two dreams I used to have when I was younger.
In one, I would be climbing on my bed, with my teddy, trying to escape something. Being on my bed would make me feel safe. But no matter what, I would slide off my bed, and it would suddenly seem too high to climb upon, or I wouldn’t find the energy to get back up.
In another, instead of running away and not getting anywhere (which I have read about), I would be in a fight but my arms are too heavy to throw punches, and they move through the the air as if it were water.
Has anyone experienced dreams like either of these? And Has anybody become lucid in the second one I mentioned?
I think this is a very common dream theme. I have lost the strength in my limbs several times, and it feels like wading in mud or moving in slow-motion. It has been suggested that is can be sleep paralysis “leaking” into the dream.
I’m always lucid when I dream, and I experience things like you have mentioned. I find at times I cannot raise my voice above a whisper (usually when I am trying to yell–soooo annoying), I punch in slow motion–when I really want to hurt someone, or I walk like I am extremely drunk–even though in my dream, I am not. I have never found a way to combat these annoyances, but I do usually work around the “handicaps.”