No LDs in over 8 months! Help!

I am pretty good at remembering dreams (lately in particular) and have kept a DJ since last year (to this date exactly) but I have only had a limited amount of LDs. The last recorded LD in my DJ happened August 19th 2005.

I haven’t read up on LDing for a while and just recently joined this forum so I’m wondering if its just that I’m out of practice.

I have posted this thread to ask for advice to become lucid more often than I have been (when I first started, they were occurring one every month).

Any suggestions to help me have more LDs instead of NDs would greatly be appreciated. I’ll keep you posted if anything happens.
I also have tried the offered methods on this site but have not had any success.


soñador (Dreamer)

Hey, soñador! :wave:

Well, you’ve left a pretty wide gap open for people to give info on. How about a list of things you’re currently doing to help get lucid? :smile: Even if you haven’t had success with one thing yet, it doesn’t mean it won’t eventually work. The key is to keep trying until you get it. (this is especially true when it comes to reality checks)

If you’d like to see a topic on anything in particular, just mention it and I’ll fetch it for you. (if we have one) :cool:


Hi soñador! Welcome to LD4all! :wave:

What technique(s) are you using? What is your favourite one? We can’t help you if you don’t give us any information! :wink:

I’m mostly using the techniques listed on this site, MILD and WILD. I haven’t attempted the others like WBTB yet. MILD seems to have the most success. WILD has only worked once.

I have only used RC one time, and in my dream and it was looking at my hand. I guess its mostly that I am out of practice, that or I am expecting to LD when I really haven’t been initiating it. Thanks for the help!

try combining WBTB with MILD or WILD. From what I’ve heard it makes having a LD much more likely. (I seem to have a lot of trouble with the “wake” part)

Maybe you could identify dream signs that you also see in real life and do a RC when you see them too.

Yes I have started doing that with my computer DJ, I underline words that are symbols then look them up in my dream dictionary. Some of the interpretations are very weird.
I’ll try all three tonight if I can, its perfect because it is a weekend and I don’t have to get up early.

With techniques based upon autosuggestion, like MILD, you have to practice them every night. Results aren’t generally immediate, you have to wait for 2 or 3 weeks in average before it begins to work.

About WILD, it’s far better to practice it with WBTB.

As you have a good dream recall, it will be interesting to collect dreamsigns and integrate them into your MILD practice.

I finally had an LD for the first time in 8 months last night. Below is my DJ entry for this dream. I give every dream I have a title and certain remarks about it.

April 2, 2006
On the Verge of Awakeness (Almost a 100% LD!)
This was a very strange dream because part of me felt awake during the dream but I was still dreaming. I some how very quickly noticed I was dreaming and tried rubbing my hands together saying “more lucid”. It worked for a few seconds and I was scaring the crap out of a few people. I kept trying to stay lucid and wanted to fly, but I couldn’t and woke up.

I’m thinking WBTB and WILD brought this one on although I didn’t do either method fully.

congrats on the ld :cool_laugh: i have a slightly similar problem, no ld in about a year. although i havent been too keen on the reality checks but i have been tryin other stuff. funny thing is, i got ld from doin a rc…i should probobly get back into doin that, im just so forgetfull. keep at it though, youll become a avid ld’er in no time