No people

In my LDs I rearly see people, just my family members but that’s it, what’s the reason?

In LDs things and DC’s tend to disappear if you are not thinking, or caring about them. That may be the reason why only your family members remain. It has happened many times in my LD’s, sometimes up to being suddenly alone.

That seems to have pretty often, but I have noticed that if I go somewhere that I’m used to seeing people (like a mall), the DC’s all reapear.

This does not happen to be the case with me. In fact, I interact with DCs a lot in my LDs.

Same here. I don’t interact with that many DCs. But then again, if you do interact a lot in real life, then you’ll probably dream a lot more of them. As for me, I’m practically a hermit. :razz:

Have you been mean to your DC recently, because when I first started LDing I would see a DC, and beat them up, and they some how know if your mean to them, and will hide from you. Your next LD just apologize if thats the case

Wow thanks for the answers!
I guess it’s not weird.
Well I never was bad to a DC, I have no reason too :happy:

If you expect it to happen again, it will. Dreams work a lot like that, they are created from expectations. Try to get to place where you will expect a lot of people, like a concert hall or a school. If you want to get in contact with a certain character, try to use a cellphone and call him/her. :wink:

I tend to have DCs, but generally don’t care a lot about them, unless something special catches my eye.

I just had an idea. If you happen to get in a situation with no DC’s again, specially if it’s in a big place where there usually are lots of people, like Lanina said, you can try saying something like “ha ha, really funny guys. You can come out now!” :lol: Maybe imagine them coming out from behind bushes and stuff with an awkward “caught” face. :tongue:

If I want to have DCs I can.
But naturally I don’t see them in my point of departure.

:wink: Beating up DCs? That’s a little harsh, huh? I mean, at least get to know them first… lol :happy: :happy: :happy:

Most of my LD’s recently have been empty of DC’s. I try to spawn people with no luck and I even go searching for people in my dream. I used to be able to spawn people years ago, even spawning exact people I knew. When it happens now, it becomes too real and I lose the ability of dream control and usually wake up. Sometimes I try to spawn someone only to spawn someone else in error.