i dont have any acess to shortcuts
i dont have acess to any of those drugs like the ones w/ the long names or the really complicated ones i cant use the herbal stuff all i have at my home is alchohol concerta and pain killers. i might have some cough meds or benadryl
i dont even think i have vitamins
Peppermint has worked phenominally for me in the past, maybe you should grab some candy canes for a bedtime snack
I myself go the whole natural way. IMHO I feel if I have LDs it’s because of me and not because of some drug, herb, ect. I get a better feeling of accomplishment for it. Some people use some sort of aid to have LDs, I’m not putting those people down, so don’t get me wrong. To each their own. What I’m saying is that if I can have LDs without such an aid, It makes me feel better about myself and my abilities.
When you feel confident about whatever it is you’re doing, you’ll find it becomes allot easier to do and may become more frequent. Also, in my opinion drugs, herbs, ect are not much more than a placebo. “If I take this drug that says I will have a LD then I will”. It’s all in the mind. Things cant make you dream lucidly, but you can train yourself to. True, it will take some time and commitment, but it is defiantly worth it.
you know i think i had a candy cane the first time i had an ld so maybe i will try again
thanks abyss
and weasel
i feel the same way which is why i am not taking any placebos or drugs but peppermint is a cool tip and i may want to expierment with that
By the way, good LD’ers don’t use shortcuts, singerguy410. Being motivated and convincing yourself you can have LD’s are the main keys of LD’ing. If you use shortcuts, it means that you’re not motivated (cause you want to have LD’s without efforts) and you’re not convinced that you can have LD’s.
I agree. Motivation, hard work and persistance are the best shortcuts for any lucid dreamer
I seriously am amazed at how many lucid dreamers smoke pot. I know lucid dreaming is really cool. I have had a couple recently on consecutive nights, but I don’t think lucid dreaming is good enough to make a person take illegal drugs, that’s a big step.
Anyway, try little things that have HEAPS of sugar in them. ie: strawberry creams or some other lolly. When I had strawberry creams, just two before bed, I only had an ND, but it was VERY clear and I had great recall. Maybe more than two should do the trick. Be creative, you will find something.
Good luck.
I don’t believe there are truly any shortcuts to having LD’s, there is no shortcut for the mental side of things only the help with physical relaxtion in my opinion.
I also believe that taking herbs is a great way to help simply because of the placebo effect they can have on the mind, making someone think that lucid dreaming is much easier obtainable and that they will now succeed. Especially if they have self doubts before.
The success an then make it easier without the herbs later once they know it’s reachable
what is a placebo i hear it is just sugar in a pill but i dont know. heh i should know because my mom is a doctor lol
A placebo is something that works on a psychological level to cure an ailment. If I gave someone a pill made of sugar and told them it would cure a headache, that would be a placebo. When the person’s headache went away, that would be the placebo effect.
ohhh that i did not know
I believe herbs and stuff can have some effect in putting you in a right state of mind, relaxing your body and so on. A cup of warm milk with honey can put some people to sleep. So I don’t think it’s fair to say shortcuts are completely useless. But remember they’re only shortcuts, you have to walk by yourself even if you take a shortcut, and that’s why motivation is so much more important than all these things.
Since you have told them LD from herbs are just placebo then didn’t you just severed its effectiveness?