noobie to dreams! :P

I have studied this before but gave up after a while, but now dying of boredom and in need of a challenge and good fun and something kind of mystical I am back into this, I have read several sites and a few FAQ’s and what not, but now I have a question before i head off to the sleeper. Does listening to music or perhaps an audio book before falling sleep or falling asleep with it on affect your memory of dreams? Also Does your personality affect the way you will dream?

Hi Stsdude2 :wave: Welcome to LD4all :happy:

I think that highly differs for each person… Some can’t possibly fall asleep with music playing in the background, while others use it to have WILDs (see the MWILD technique). Imo if you want the best results in dream recall by using music, it should be a soundfile with voices saying like “you will remember your dreams”, or perhaps a bwgen set with binaural beats specifically suitable for enhancing dream recall. Don’t know really… I think autosuggestion can work much better than music.

Definitely. Dreams consist of a mixture of associations, thoughts, mental constructs and subconscious streams all molded together on the screen which is your inner psyche. Since different personalities point to different psyches, those personalities each have a unique impact and influence on dreams.

yup :wink:

I have only once fallen asleep listening to my mp3 player (ive only tried once) and I dont think i had trouble sleeping, but I am not sure whether it affected the way I slept- you know its hard to remember when u fell asleep ! lol :smile: but if i had really good DR I wuld be able to tell whether it affected the dreams I had… :confused:

I have noticed HI becomes more profound when I listen to music while falling asleep, probably because it takes a longer time to fall asleep then.

also does it epend on the type of music?? because calssical is better for your brain the something like heavy metal (which has been proven - classical=good for the brain!! :happy: ) and maybe also on how loud it is?? :confused:

I used to always listen to music while falling asleep, and i cant remember if it did have an effect (probably because i did this before i knew about LD’s).
Also whats MWILD and whats autosuggestion… mystic…?

Just hover on the acronym with your mouse and you will get your answer. Works for many other acronyms too :happy:

Thanks for that Johan.
Also what do you think is the best music or type of soundtrack to listen??? and where would it be found???
Thanks again,

Different music works for different people, because every person has its own taste. I have read about people MWILDing with ambient, others with metal :eek: I’m the kind of person that just stays awake with every kind of music, and I cannot sleep without earplugs anyway :tongue:

If I go to fall alseep playing music, it just keeps me from falling asleep, but I find that listening to music or playing music before you go to bed can help raise my awareness of dreams…I think it has something to do with my Alpha Brainwaves or something.

i guess maybe brainwave generators can be done or ambient, that’s the easiest, or else play the music soft so you don’t get kept awake with it

I would think that a brainwave generator would actually make some very pleasant white noise to fall asleep to :smile:

Desperado by the eagles.
I`m not an expert at it , but ive allmost done mwild with it without trying to

I think audiobooks or relaxing music will definately have an effect on your sleep. The quest is to get a sleep deep enough to keep you in the dream once you become lucid, but to be ‘shallow’ enough to allow lucidity. I’ve heard that white noises (such as cooling fans) have a positive effect. I’ve had a bit of experience with self-hypnosis tapes, and although they didn’t give me an LD (on which i wasn’t focussing at the time), it gave me a very relaxing sleep.

Good luck with it, and good to hear you’ve decided to pick up the quest for LD’ing!