Normal Dream Challenge 11: Winner: James_UK2008!

I don’t use that term myself so I’m not sure either. I call really short lucid dreams lucid moments. Fragment of a dream in this competition means that you know there was more to the dream, a big part that you can’t recall. You might only recall something like “I was in Zelda game universe and killed something evil.” and call that a fragment.

You recalled quite a lot about those lucid fragments of yours, enough to make me think that’s mostly everything that happened. Also, the scene change doesn’t make it two fragments and you would only get points for one fragment anyway, because in this challenge there is a rule limiting that.

Formal lucid dream, from my understanding, is:

  • a dream
  • with a lucid portion.

If you have a long exciting dream and then at the end you become lucid and punch yourself awake, I would call that a lucid dream. You might disagree and want to call that just a normal dream, due to the lucidity only lasting a few seconds. In that case I would respect that and give you points for a normal dream.

:smile: Thanks for the clarification. Very helpful.

I’ll adapt to the definition/rules the community here has established. Let’s call it 1 ND and 1 LD. Time travel not yet accomplished, though I thoroughly enjoyed the result after trying…and thus am grateful for the task itself.

As long as we’re laying our goals out here on the table, I’ll be clear about my overriding goal…kind of my personal motivation for LD’ing.

I love the notion of dream control while lucid…and have had some success with it, in varying degrees. But, ultimately, I’m not really that interested in control, per se. I am interested, however, in the results elicited in trying to control dreams. The results are always fascinating, surprising and often pretty funny :happy: Thus, down deep, I guess I feel that if I had total control…well, the dreaming might not be quite as exciting. Thus, in a manner of speaking, I guess I’m kind of grateful, in a way, for the divide between the “conscious and the unconscious” for lack of a better way of describing it. The gap or rift between the two, upon traversing back and forth, seems to lend itself to an element of mystery that is very enjoyable for me.

Ok, enough taking up space in this thread. I’ll quiet down and simply report my experiences concisely here. I’ll leave the lengthy descriptions for my DJ

1 ND fragment last night. Nothing associated with task though

1 dream here this morning. Although it features a rather strong hint of my personal goal, I’d rather not claim points for it due to how vague it was in terms of if it was happening to me directly or not.

27/6/2016 - 1nd 1 frag
28/6/2016 - Nothing
29/6/2016 - 2nd

Enjoyable dreams, but nothing task related. Link for both nights

1 ND fragment last night. Lots of specifics recalled within the fragment, but only a part of all that went on, I know…so we’ll call it a fragment.

Since the last time I posted: Three dreams, and two fragments.

:cry: I need to get paper and pen next to bed again.

Last 2 days I recalled a dream each night but by the time I got downstairs the dreams had vanished…

No recall last night

30/6/2016 - 2 nds, 2 lds


3 Dreams here this morning.

Task 3 - Rapture

Another location focused task. This time it’s a bit more specific, compared to task 1.

You get task points if:

  • You explore an underwater city.

Points after week 2:

  1. obfusc8 - 321
  2. Siiw - 204
  3. James_UK2008 - 172
  4. DTDownUnder - 105
  5. glypheye - 72
  6. moogle - 20
  7. En’enra - 15
  8. Jer - 15
  9. Dreamjutsu - 0
  10. Fate - 0
  11. Quicksilver21 - 0
  12. Koal44 - 0

1 ND last night

Just 1 fragment here today.

Had 4 dreams here this morning which were nicely detailed. There was one dream aboard a spaceship but I think I might have claimed points for the being aboard a spacecraft one already at the end of page 3 (tardis) if it counted that is.

I counted the TARDIS, and you’ll get late task points for this. Unlike in LC, in NDC you can complete tasks repeatedly for points.

Not sure if this would’ve been better suited as an edit ot not (wasn’t sure if it would be missed in edit form) but I’ve just remembered a 5th dream that I had this morning where I was Toy Storys Slinky Dog character being repaired. I would like to claim points for my personal goal of shapeshifting please :smile: Dream has been added to previous journal entry.

The process of remembering it was quite fascinating really as I didn’t remember it on waking up this morning:

  1. Watching Toy Story Youtube Poops
  2. See Slinky Dog (exact moment I remembered it was here when Slinky appears)
  3. Suddenly remember spring being reconnected to Slinkys rear legs (as this event never happens during the original films, why would such a thought appear out of nowhere?!)
  4. Snap! Core Dream events recalled and written down :hurray:

Thanks for letting clearing up the rules regarding repeatedly claiming points for tasks. Wasn’t even aware that reclaiming points in the NDC was possible. :smile:

1 ND frag and 1 LD frag

1/7/2016 - Nothing. Didn’t get to bed until 1am…
2/7/2016 - 2 nd 3 lds

Still no task points, although in one dream I watched a video which looked to be from another world. I’m crap at this dream-incubation thing. Two weeks of watching Star Trek re-runs, reading Star Wars comics before bed… nuthin. :neutral:

Saturday 2 July

1 dream - Communication