Normal Dream Challenge 11: Winner: James_UK2008!

3/6/2016 - 2 lucid dreams

The first one, pre lucid, was about a possible future, with me temporarily inhabiting an older version of my own body, with separate memories of fulfilling my dreams of designing/creating games. Then I explored several other future scenarios or simulations relating to the game. The method of travel wasn’t exactly clear though, best guess is: Playing console game -> merged with/became game character -> awoke in the future inhabiting/possessing my future body. It was a cool dream, even if it doesn’t quite meet last week’s task… :meh:

Several dreams last night, but the recall washed away within seconds upon awakening (shazbot! :smile: )

Did have LD fragment with WBTB/WILD technique, however. I’ll take what I can get :smile:

One dream here this morning. No tasks completed.

Monday 4 July. 1 dream [no task or extra points] - Career Advice

ND frag this a.m. No LD or tasks completed.

This project is really helping with recall, though…and, for that, I’m happy. Actually had a buried dream pop up while writing out the fragment! :smile:

1 Dream and 2 Fragments here this morning. Although #3 showed rather large hints of my personal goal initially, it didn’t quite checkout due to it being more costume like in nature.

I have been away for a few days, and didn’t write down my dreams while I stayed with my family. I had two dreams and two fragments today. No tasks.

5 July.

1 dream. Old task points (right at end of dream) Escape to the Future

No recall for me last night.

I had three dreams last night. Time travel was implied at one point, but I have no memory of it (there was simply a “jump”)

Had 1 dream and 1 fragment here this morning. Would like to claim personal goal points for #2 as I became a Locust Drone from Gears of War. :smile:

July 6
1 dream - Scenes

Hypnopompic fragment that doesn’t even qualify, I don’t think, though the moment was interesting. We’ll say no point-bearing recall last night.

Onward! :smile:

Just one dream here this morning.

Due to an unavoidable real life situation and the knock-on effect that is having on the rest of my life right now, I’m going to have to drop out of the challenge. Good luck to everyone else taking part.

Sorry to hear that, Obfusc8! Sincerely, hope everything works out.

ND fragment last night and 1 WILD fragment.

Just one dream here this morning.

Task 4 - Heal

Another task that requires an action: healing. You can heal yourself or a DC. You can heal a broken timeline. You don’t have to do the action as long as you are part of the healing. For example, you gather dragon balls and wish that all your dead allies were alive. Even though the dragon does the resurrection, you’ll get task points.

No score update this week. I’m sorry.

1 ND fragment for me last night.

I’ll begin intending healing dreams (hopefully lucid ones!)…see what emerges :smile:

2 dreams here this morning. No tasks completed.