1 ND…no tasks completed.
Just one dream here this morning. Was just short of being lucid as it was a FLD. I did do the pinched nose RC in it though which I believe is +3 points.
Just one dream here this morning. No tasks completed but did feature an encounter with an extremely cute seal. Awwww
2 ND’s and 1 ND fragment
1 ND fragment, for me this morning
1 ND this a.m.
Since the last post, I have had 6 dreams and 4 fragments. In one dream, I planted flowers to cover up a hole in nature after construction work. In another, I saw somebody try to wash bees off Letaali’s head. I feel like the “Heal” task is close, but not completely done.
Same for me, feeling close to Heal task, though not quite there. More of a Repair task done in LD fragment.
So 2 ND fragments and 1 LD fragment for me last night
Thursday 1 fragment, 2 dreams.
No DCs Were Hurt During The Making of This Dream is the opposite of healing.
3 ND fragments, the last of which involved healing, but only strictly in the mundane medical sense. And, to be honest, it doesn’t seem fair to take task credit for this one given that I work in an emergency room. So, medical related dreams are rather frequent for me.
For me, task completion would involved something more deliberate and dream-like. Like using a kind of dream magic to heal, in some way…IDK
Had one dream here this morning. I’d like to claim personal goal points please as I briefly became Leonardo from TMNT.
Two dreams yesterday and one today. No tasks.
Task 5 - Tropical Island
Fishing port by Stéphane Richard
For the last task I would like you to just enjoy some nice views on a tropical island.
Aaand once again, the score page is not up to date. Sorry about that. Last week of the challenge. I’ll start reading your dreams and getting the scores sorted before next friday.
Nice painting! Tropical island destination…got it.
No recall for me last night. Slept deep after extended period of insomnia. Hoping for some good rebound dreaming tonight
Addendum: Recall from 1 ND fragment last night did finally emerge, stimulated upon watching one of my favorites TV series The Americans tonight. Better late than never
1 Fragment, 3 dreams + 1 Lucid Dream here this morning. I became lucid by means of the pinched nose RC but didn’t really do much. I don’t think there’s task orientated points in there…
1 WILD fragment for me this morning. No tasks completed
Sunday. 1 dream, I’m not sure if it would count as the old healing task? I think it does.
1 ND and some hypnagogic transitional bits after WBTB which weren’t complete enough to qualify for LD or LD fragments, IMHO. I think I stayed up too long remaining awake before going back to bed…too stimulating.
Anyways, we’ll just say 1 ND