Not Controlling Myself When I Dream

When I am dreaming, I exert no control over my own actions within the dream. This is a problem to me because LD induction techniques only remind myself that I am dreaming, but when I realize I am dreaming, I still can’t control myself or the dream. If anyone knows what this is, has experienced this, or has a solution, please post it. Thank you.

Hmmm, this may be a False Lucid Dream. If it is, then it’s a normal dream where you’re dreaming that you’re lucid. If that’s the case, then it may make a great opportunity to do RCs. Basically, any time you see the word Dream or think of dreaming, do an RC.

Or, it could be a lucid dream with problems. Then, it all comes down to belief and practice. Believe that you have no limits, and you’ll have no limits. How little control do you have? Is it your environment that’s problematic? Your memory? Or everything?

It’s like I have no control over my dream body, I’m just taken along for a ride. I can’t even make myself do an RC, reach lucidity, etc. Please help, if I can’t stop this problem I fear I will never become lucid. :sad:

Get rid of that fear.

It only makes things worse, believe me.
If you convince your SC that you can’t have LDs then…well, you won’t have them.

I know that feeling.That’s either a FLD or a lucid dream with low level of lucidity.
That happens to me often.
Well, it happens to everyone eventually.

Keep practicing.
Set your intention.

Say (in your head) what do you want to do when you get lucid.

Something very similar actually happened to me once. I think to get out of it I tried to shout “increase lucidity,” but then I couldn’t speak. Finally I realized that since I was dreaming, I didn’t have to actually speak, and I just shouted it in my head. Then I finally snapped out of it. Your SC sounds kind of resistant. You just need to tell it who’s boss.

Check out
A similar problem with about the same solutions.

By that point, you are meant to realize that it’s your dream, and no one else’s. If you don’t have control over that dream, then who has? You should tell yourself that you can take control of your dream body and your actions at any time you wish, cause the dream is not just some film you’re watching, where you can tell the protagonist all you want, but he’ll always end up doing the same stupid things, no matter how many times you watch that movie;
instead, a dream is a fantasy you are actively creating, and as such, you are free to bend it in any way you wish, be confident and take it in your hands. :smile:
Dream on.

Wow thanks I feel much better now that I have a solution. I am doubling my efforts to take control of my SC. :smile:

Post your dreams here in the Dream Journal Section and let us reply and try to point out some DS and helpfull tips!

Be warned, my dreams are getting increasingly stranger, if you consider having a vacant parking lot in your attic and Arnold Schwarzenegger living in your garage weird. :confused:

Weird? not at all! Pretty cool actually. :lol: I once dreamed I squished a baby that was in the form of a little transparent liquid blob on a table, with the bottom edge of a bottle. :confused: And I bet there are other people that can easily beat that! So don’t worry :grin: