Not enough permission?

Hey there,

I got a question about lucid dreaming. In last time I didn’t had a lot of time focusing on Lucid Dreams but i want to start it again.i realized, in last time i wake up i have the slightest idea of what i was dreaming about, i forget it so quickly, but when the situation comes im in a lucid dream i almost have no control at all, i feel like i only have 20 dream-seconds then i wake up, i feel like i cant even do nothing in my dream, and when i want to do something i start it and the next second - im awake. This sucks pretty much because I want to spend more time in those dreams, i try rub hands and so but my dream wont get longer… I also pretty dont remember anything from a lucid dream i just had… i dont know if i just think so but i got the feeling when my dreams end i am in another dream but not realizing and remembering anything, why wont my brain give me more Permission and more time to dream? what do i have to do? thats mean. :cry: :bored:


Hi CrazyOsi3,

Perhaps you are too scared of losing your LD opportunity. Just take it easy and believe that you can do it. Instead of thinking “I MUST RUSH TO DO SOMETHING” calm down first and be positive that you can stay there for longer.


I had to post this, sorry :grin: [/spoiler]

One tip that helped me greatly in the beginning was to stop what you are doing in the moment you realise that it is a dream. Stop, look around you, connect with as many senses as possible. It helps me a lot to feel my feet on the ground inside the dream, and I usually talk or sing loudly to myself in order to stay lucid.

Being calm is probably the critical factor here. :cool:

Maybe you are trying to run before you learn how to walk, and maybe you are trying to walk before you learn how to stand up. Next time you lucid-dream, stay calm, breath, look at your hands, your legs, touch your head, look around, etc. Be patient, remember that you are like a newborn in the dream world. Go one step each time, and your dreams will progressively last long naturally. :happy:

I spend very little time trying to explore LDs they are more for information then to change. I find my LDs are where I become someone else in them and through them I see their worlds or experience their thoughts. I am more of an avid ober or astral projector as these experiences come more naturally to me. Maybe by becoming more aware of the dream you can find the messages they have within them by not changing them but just experiencing them. My Lds can last all night changing many times going in many directions I find that the most important parts of the dreams are the ones you will remember, so don’t worry about the length only the messages held within them.
