By not much interest I don’t mean me. I mean other people. I’ve told my friends about lucid dreaming (I’ve never had one myself, but over the last year my recall has GREATLY improved.) but it seems that people my age (around 15) just aren’t that interested with it. Personally I don’t see how, reality just seems so boring on it’s own I think some more scientists should do some experiments with lucidity, and get their results widely known (I’ve had friends say BS, that couldn’t be true, and that they don’t dream <_< ).
If Lucid Dreaming was more widely known about, I think some problems could be solved in the world. People wouldn’t have to take out their anger on other people, just people in their dreams. And new technologies could be created quicker too. Scientists could cause themselves to have long lucid dreams, to figure out hard problems. They wouldn’t have all the distractions of reality, their whole minds would be focused on the thing they were working on.
Also, I gotta ask from some of the good lucid dreamers here: Does listening to lucidity music work? I just downloaded the LucidityRemix MP3 and may burn it to a cd to listen to it at night, because I can’t really do WILD’s (If I wake up in the night I’m stupid and can’t think, and if I can think I get too scared to do a WILD. If I am able to do the WILD, and to do a WILD I try and sleep on my back 'cause I’ve heard that works better, my nose plugs and I sniff and wake myself up. For some reason I can’t do WILD’s on my side.)
Thanks, your help’s appreciated I’ve REALLY started to want to have an LD in the last couple of months.
Well, I don’t really know what I was getting at there. I just felt like typing something out, and all that seemed good to write about.
Some people naturally stay consious through the entire sleep cycle and they all say they get their most important work done there because its easier to focus on one thing.
It’s the same with my friends too. 1 of 10 I told got at least a little interested in it. For others the texts they would have to read about it are just too long or they can’t cope with English (Although I found a good German Wikibook)…
So in the end 3 people were on it but I think they already gave up. Only one of them tried to keep a DJ but I don’t know if he is still up to it. School means much stress now.
Yet I haven’t got lucid but I’ll just keep on trying and maybe if I get my first LD I can persuade more friends to try it and I can offer them more help.
I told a few of my friends about this and they were really interested and fascinated. They’re in their 20’s, so maybe that has something to do with it. I know that when I was 15, I’d be really into it if I heard of LD-ing back then.
Of all of my friends they tough i was
I am kind of a geek they allready think i am weird and i do the whole goverment conspiracy put tin foil on my head thing so maybe i am bit crazy.
I think that its kind of cool that only a few thousand people know about it and the rest of the world dosent but should we keep it a secret dont know
well if anything it makes lucid dreaming that much more special for you knowing alll the great things you are experiencing are things they’ll never even know about… but it may be beause people just will think its some stupid new age crap…
In my experince, I have heard about LD long time ago but had no interest until I stumped and read Laberge’s book as well as reading Castaneda now. It was facinating and I have been working on LD for 5 month and not going to give up. I told many friends, none of them got interested, mostly what they wanted to know what I will do with it. We are as human beeings always are looking for practical use, if something has no use of pleasure we give up. I think LD has both but it is hard to deliver to pople, but when they realise it it is just about an effort and desire. I ageree with Shadowkid , LDs shopuld be fun anf can have practical use as for individual so for society, even though I have not had one I do realise it by reading about others
I know exactly how this feels, I try to explain it to everyone, to better their lives and their creativity. Give them something to do while asleep. But my friends don’t really care, they would much rather take in reality than dreaming. And people in my school just think I’m even more of a weirdo Why doesn’t it interest anyone else? My psychology class is going to be working on LDing tomorrow and no one in that class will be interested…It just bothers me because I want everyone to experience this amazing idea. It feels so great, but no one puts any thought into it, and it’s quite dissapointing…
I’m glad I can communicate with people who have this strong interest in Lucid Dreaming
Joining the “I know excactly how you feel”-crowd. When I first read an article about lucid dreaming it was the best news I had had in years! I knew it was possible as I had them as a child, but didn’t know there was a term for it or even that others could do it. And right after that I found this page (which has helped me tremendusly). So what did I find out? Nobody cares… Bummer.
I still try telling people about it though, I will never give up! And my GF seem to be trying as well now, she has just started counting fingers, and would really like to have them.
I just wish I was back at the elemantary school, having to write papers and hold presentations of any subject I would like. I would absolutely hold a presentation about lucid dreaming!
My friends typically say oh that WOULD be so cool. They are interested but think of it as a what if instead of a fact. I have one friend who actually has them sponatneously, but he doesn’t understand exactly what they are, and doesn’t get the concept of maing it happen. Oh well, its still cool.
I you ask me, life is incomprehensibly melancholy, and I don’t see why people wouldn’t spring at the chance to dive in to their own world where they can do absolutely anything they like.
Maybe people need to advertise it better; Lucid Dreaming is one of those things that if you search for it on the internet, you get about 7000000000000 pages made in the early 90s that also preach christian fanatiscism and the end of the world. Perhaps we should launch an awareness campaign?
Ooh, and I almost forgot; No, music has never helped me before.
've told my 3 best friends, that’s about it. One of them is deadly against it because she thinks it’s some kind of wicca magic (even though I’m Christian) and everytime I mention LD’ing so goes off blanking me. Another didn’t believe a word I was saying and looked at me strangely the whole conversation. Finally, my friend who’s into fantasy and stuff was imediantly interested, and she’s had a DJ now for about a month. She’s going to convert to the tzolkin soon and everything We’re even going to try a SD some day. At least some people believe…