One question, I am new at al thsi LD stuff. I havent had a dream, but my dream recall is getting better, I remember 2 dreams from last nite (I remembered 3 but forgot 1) The only way I was able to do this was by taking nyquil and sleeping ealier than I normally do. then I slept pretty crappy. I woke up for about 2 hours later and took another nap, but I feel like crap. So my question is to had these lucid dreams do you have to take all these extra naps and wake up throught the night?
Also another strange thing… I think I may have been starting to have a lucid dream. My body was trying to wake up and I tried to stay sleeping telling myself to have a lucid dream. Everything in my dream was black with white out lines, and I could’nt move. finally I woke up. Man this is frustrating.
i’d advise against being dependent on nyquil for you to have good dream recall.
as far as waking up many times during the night, i don’t think it’s necessary to do that to have LDs, but i think it does help. a lotta people use the WBTB technique where you esentially only wake up once during the night about 2 hours before you need to get up.
personally, it doesn’t bother me to wake up a couple times during the night (i do it naturally sometimes) but if it’s causing you to not sleep well, then i’d advise against continuing it. everybody’s different, find what works for you.
and another thing, if you find that you’re getting frustrated, take a break. some people are adamantly against breaks, but i’m adamantly in favor of them. you’re just starting out with LDing, have fun with it, be patient with it. in my experience, forcing it and trying too hard are only defeating to practice
Thanks oneiromancer,
We’ll see what happens tonight. I just did the nyquil last night, cuase I had to work the day shift on monday (normaly work nightshift) so I had to set myself to sleep early. and I figured I’d kill 2 birds with 1 stone since I read someone had use hyquil to iduce a LD. But we’ll see Thanks!
I don’t sleep very well nowdays either. I sometimes (rarely though) use benadryl to help me to sleep better, but next day I always feel horrible and drowsy. I don’t like the side-effects that benadryl has, but it does put me to sleep, but again I hate being dependence on medications and I’m currently at home so I’m hoping that I can get my sleep schedule fixed.
Also my roommates always go to bed really late. They always have lights on until like 2:00 in the morning so I never really get high-quality sleep. When I got home, I passed out lol for three nights… 12 hours straight. I couldn’t wake up until it’s past 1:30 in the afternoon (13:30). It actually made me realize… that I never really did get any good sleep. It explains a lot about why I don’t really get LD’s as often as I used to do.
Now I’m working on it. Hopefully I could get it back. Not easy, I know, but hopefully all of my efforts will be worth it in the end.
I don’t recommend Nyquil either for sleep or just to obtain good dreams just because it often can alter your sleep pattern and make everything much worse.
Natural sleep pattern is always better than medication-inducing method. You know? Good luck!
I can sympathise with you DM7, about not getting enough sleep. I tend to have about eight hours a day (sometimes disturbed by my children), but I always feel that I need more. I don’t think going to bed before 10pm is really an option, either.
When I don’t have to get up for work is when I do tend to have lucid dreams. I wonder how much better I would be at lucid dreaming if I did get enough sleep at night.
I’ve also noticed, that I can’t recall many dreams at all, when I have to get up for Uni or work.
Today’s living doesn’t really allow for our minds to expand at all. That is the reason we use so little of our brain, because we are restricted and can’t look over the boundaries that today’s society places for us! Why do you think eery single other animal can use 100% of its brain, where as we only use approx 10% only?
The more we ‘go to work’ each day and live in this cycle, this system, the less our minds get used for non-work/society related things and therefore the less dreams we re-call and have. Our mind needs a descent sleep, and more time to just think about LIFE, DREAMS, ALTERED AWARENESS, and the fact that there is so much more we can gain from our minds. So many of us don’t realise it, its because we are trapped! But something about being trapped is, that you can always escape, if you really want to and you make an effort!
Keep your mind open, and never let the boundaries in life restrict you!
God bless,
PS. Sleepyhead, I know you can’t just stop going to work so you can sleep in and have a good sleep, work is important, we need money! But as you see thats why you (we) are restriced! But if you put your MIND to it, you can find a solution for yourself.
i’m taking a psychology class and the teacher said that that figure that humans only use 10% of their brain is not really based on anything. how can you measure brain usage ??? what does it mean that we only use 10% of our brain ??? are only 10% of our neurons firing at any given time? do 90% of our neurons never fire ???
after hearing it put like that, i don’t put any more faith in the overstated “fact” that we only use 10% of our brain… my question would be… who measured that? how did they measure that?
my teacher put it like this. not everybody is a star athelete… does that mean that we only use 10% of our muscles? no it means the star athelete knows how to use his/her muscles more efficiently and effectively.
that being said… i am an adherent to the “untapped potential of the mind” idea. and i do agree that our rushed society has placed a bloated importance on the physical reality and materialistic things, but hey… it seems like everyday it seems like there’s another newbie making his/her first post so… maybe there’s hope yet
Yes, I have to agree with what is being said here. It is too easy to get caught in the flow of life and not find time for the more ‘spiritual’ side of things. Sometimes I do find myself forgetting, but there is always a part of me which makes me want to stop and think and I will not let go of that
I can vividly recall a nightmarish dream I had when I was about eight years old (long time ago, now!). It was a very abstract dream in which I saw a honeycomb grid which seemed to stretch infinately in all directions. I ‘zoomed in’ on the grid and inside each ‘cell’ was a person. I realised that all these people were being born, living their lives and dying with no meaning to their lives at all. This scared me and made me cry.
Lucid dreaming is a total release from the mundane day-to-day stuff and that is why it is such an important part of me.