What can i do so that i can enter lucid dreams while i sleep but not have to wake up in the middle of the night. Is there a technique or something that helps you have LD so that you dont have to wake up in the middle of the night.
Oh and btw something cool i remembered 4 dreams in one night last night, my recall is getting good.
At the moment im studying a method of falling asleep conciously. it sounds BRILLIANT, hense you could have LD’s whenever you wanted, even during the day just napping!.
I yet have to experience falling asleep conciously [or a lucid dream for that matter ]
The method as explained by Dr. La Berge on the MP3 audio in another post, is that you close you eyes relax etc… your then ment to count… “1, im dreaming… 2, im dreaming” and so on, until you reach about “56 im dreaming”, at which point you will realise that you are dreaming!.
Even falling asleep consciously is usually done after you’ve woken up in the middle of the night.
The most common way to have an LD without waking up in the middle of the night is DILD - you suddenly realize you’re dreaming in the middle of a non-lucid dream.
This can be quite an expereince. I got to the point where I was completely numb and almost went lucid. I then got a cramp in my foot and that was the end of that.
Yup,just the word of clarification here…Dilds are lucid dreams induced by MILD.
So just keep thinking about dreams during the day,perform reality checks,imagine that you are dreaming during the day,drink "dream"cofee,meet “dream friends”…so on…thats the approach to succesfull practice MILD.Dild should come after a while.
good luck.
you say it in your head IZ
i find it only works sometimes for me you really need to concentrate just as you are about to fall asleep and not let your mind wander