Note To Everyone On This Forum

When locking a thread because it belongs under another thread, like the Please I Need Some Help!!! topic belongs under the Big WILD thread… Is it possible to transfer the original question into the other thread (retaining the original author’s name)? Just wondering, it’s not a big deal… I thought it might be nice though, so replies aren’t floating out there in the main thread without any reference to the question…

No, sorry, that isn’t possible… :sad:
In the former forum we had an option to rebuild threads, but not here.
The best thing the poster can do is doing a copy and paste of the question in the main thread. OK I will edit my reply to suggest the poster to do a simple copy and paste :smile: .

Hi djem,

well shortcuts to lucidity has always been the place for chemical (supplements) experiments…to have more frequently ld’s…
And the quest 4 lucidity the place for ld tech experiments…
But u would like a sub forum only 4 experimenting…hmmmm?
No matter what kind of experiment, as long as its tagged to ld?
Who knows…


I agree with you Jeff. I think the ShorutcutTL and the QuestFL categories are easy to mix up. Maybe it would be better if pasQuale removed the Shortcuts category, move all messages to the Quest category, and make a new category called something like “Lucid Experiments”. That would make it easier to see the difference between the forums… What do you think?

The main reason why the quest for lucidity and shortcuts to lucidity remain separated is because of the drug-related issues. We want to keep those separated from the quest for lucidity-forum.

About the experiments forum: it sounds a very good idea… LD research is dead, so we could use that. But then of course, we need enough people who are interested in doing such experiments. Anyway, I’m not against it, I love research and experiments, better than all that speculation-stuff (“I believe in this and you believe in that and that’s it”).

Can anyone tell me what WILD means?

I’ll do you one better. WILD. Put your mouse over where I typed “WILD” and it will show you what it stands for. You can do that for LD, MILD, RC, etc.

All acronyms in the “Dictionary” sticky topic at the top of the “Quest for lucidity” should have an “acronym bubble.” Only “HI” doesn’t, since it is used so often. HI stands for Hypnogogic Imagery for lucid dreamers, and it’s a greeting for regular humans. :wink:

Our new acronym, “LL,” also does NOT have an “acronym bubble.” It interferes with words such as: we’ll, she’ll, or I’ll. LL stands for “Lucid Living.”

If you know of an acronym that should be added to the dictionary, please post your reply in that thread “Dictionary - Acroynms.”


One of the only problems I see with the forums (I’m mainly in the Quest4lucidity) is that most people just share their own experiences, but no one really tries to answer anybody’s questions. I mean personal experiences are important given they are related to the topic, but sometimes (the big WILD topic part 1-2) are a waste of time to read! There’s nothing worse than reading an entire thread and not learning one thing.

It will probably still happen. But being a moderator on another site you could move the topic to its appropriate place. Know what I mean? :cool:

eh… no? :nono: