nothing i try is working....

i haven’t had a lucid dream in 2 weeks…

i can’t count my breaths or tell myself i’m dreaming because it just keeps me awake.
i’ve tried waking up earlier and going back to sleep

nothing works someone please help me!  :help:  :cry:  :crying: 

            ~*''*~Sora Bezhad~*''*~

it seems like you’re talking about WILD and MILD. If so, I have to ask about your prerequisites.

  1. How many dreams do you remember a night?
  2. how often, and how do you practice Reality checks?
  3. how many LDs have you had?
  4. which techniques have you practiced, and how long have you practiced them?

If you answer these, I should be able to help.

Hey SoraBezhad

im not as experienced as other people on the boards, but sometimes it can take a lot of time b4 you have an ld. Just curious, do you usually tend to dream about the same dream scenarios? (eg, always dream about school, work, home, walking to scool/work?) if you do, a technique that really works for me (its pretty much my only source for lds now), is when you are in real life and walking around in the same area that you would normally dream about(walking to work) say to yourself that this is a lucid dream and keep saying that. after you repeat that for a while, ( i used to walk to work everyday saying this) when you dream about that area, you are pretty much guaranteed to remind yourself that its you’re dreaming. it works for me :tongue: good luck hope this helps

Having a Lucid Dream can take more than 2 weeks, even months…even years :eek: You just keep practicing one method, do RCs, keep a DJ, it will eventually come to you ^^
Don’t give up! :grin: It may take awhile but you will get one with enough motivation and hard work ^^
The MILD method seems to work well combined with WBTB for beginners :smile: Though I’m still a beginner myself :tongue:

Hi SoraBezhad,

What technique are you using? Have you had results with it before?

now, pardon me if this doesnt seem too flattering, but im going to be blunt here, for the sake of simplicity.

if you have only been trying for 2 weeks or so at getting an LD, using techniques that you probably dont know all the basics about (most people dont know the basics about the techs they try until after they have had some success with them), and keep a negative attitude to your failure (ie. if you dont succeed, you get into a negative/sad mood), then chances are you are going to fail.

this is how it was with me, and to be honest, it sucks. the way i dealt with it, was to drop the techniques, not do anything, and just hope that i get lucky one night, without my mood going down the drain because my luck failed me for the thousandth time. this is the easiest way of going about it, and probably a common one, considering that when you get tired of trying you basically fall back to this, but it is also a way of doing things that gets you very little results. with this, i can count 10 LDs in the two years that i have known about LDing. that isnt even close to what i would like, and im pretty sure you would agree with me on that one, so im going to suggest you try a different route than mine, unless you feel that absolutely nothing will work whatsoever.

now, as you probably have seen on this site, there are dozens of different ways of going about getting LDs, from the simple one i used to complicated stuff that requires lots of preparations each night and copious amounts of writing details from dreams into journals. personally, i would just tell you to pick the one that seems the most fun. why? because LDing is about just that. fun. so the more fun you have trying to get them, the more you enjoy that first aspect of the whole thing, and the more likely it will be that you actually get past that first stage, and into an LD. you should, of course, make sure that whichever path you choose, you keep a positive attitude. dont think that a lack of LDs makes the day less fulfilling, because you have probably lived many years without LDs already, and it wasnt a problem then, so why should you get all depressed about it now? LDing is nice, its fun and entertaining and can do you worlds of good, and all the members on this board will probably be praising LDing for just how good it can be, but no matter how you twist it, LDing isnt something you need to be happy, because you can be happy without it. you can want it, i know i do, but dont go sulking when you dont get LDs, because that’s the exact thing that is preventing you from getting them in the first place! being negative towards a lack of LDs will in almost all cases be translated by your brain as the same thing as being negative towards LDs themselves, meaning that your brain will actively prevent you from having them.

here’s what i want you to do, in short: lose the negative attitude, go back to your life, go back to square one, and start over with a fresh, positive attitude. learn everything over again, and look for what seems like the most fun way to try to get LDs. that way, if you dont get the LDs then you still had fun trying, which means that you will eventually start enjoying just trying to get them, regardless of if you actually succeed. do whatever makes you happy, and point it towards getting an LD. if at any point something becomes boring for you, then stop doing it. never make the quest for LDing a boring, tedious, painstaking task, because that quest will fail. make it fun and enjoyable, and i can guarantee that eventually, you will get an LD. i might not come today, tomorrow, this week or next week, it might not come this year even, but if you keep the positive attitude and enjoy trying to succeed, no matter how you try, then eventually, you WILL succeed. to put it even shorter: if the journey is depressing, the destination will be depressing. if the journey is fun, then the destination will be fun as well.

i hope i didnt step on any toes with that little rant. if i did, lemme know, and i will fix it.

Hmmmm… You should try the MILD and WBTB!! They are the easiest ones, they heleped me get an LD the day after I heard of them! Now I’m trying to have a WILD but I’ve only had 3 LDs, so it’s kinda difficult… Oh well, the point is to just have fun!!