nothing works as i want

all the times i have had a LD, nothing works as i want it to, well some minor things do, such as this night, i got a streetlight to turn off, and i got a star to get larger, (in real life) im thinking of getting a tatoo, so i thought i’d find a nice one in my LD, but they were all uggly, and always green, i changed them to black, but i was looking for tribal look, but i got a ugly face, a crocodile looking thing, and some mess of stuff…why is the dreams so resistant to what you want to do?
a little guy i know had a LD as well, but he could hardly move, because of massive gravity, and he tried to fly but it didnt work, and so on…how can i get it to work correctly?
and how do i make the LDs last longer?

Being lucid in a dream is something that takes time to get used to. Don’t worry in time you lucid dreams will become much more vivid, stable and changeable. The key to dream control is to rid yourself of waking life expectations because they can hold you back. You also have to really expect things to happen the way you want them to. Start with small things and work your way up. As for your tattoo dream I am not sure what to make of that. Your LD may have been a low level one so things did not come out like you wanted. Another thought is that if you did not really see the tattoo you wanted so, your subconscious filled in the gaps for you. Try and be very specific about what type of tattoo you want. Do you have any other examples of things you tried to do in a LD that did not work out right?

As soon as you become lucid take a second to stabilize the dream. For example:
=> Rub your hands together.
=> spinning
=> put your hand through a wall
=> grab a hold of something in a dream
=> Flying

These are all things that help me stabilize things in a lucid dream.
Stabilizing things can definitely help you with dream control. The more stable or vivid your dream is the more control you can exert over your dream.

Good luck

I have a simmilliar problem :sad:. I can only really control my enviroment when I don’t mean too (eg. It was dark and it was annoying me. As soon as I got out of bed though, I was surrounded with light).

Or things don’t work right (‘i will see a beautiful lady when I walk round the corner… I said a lady damnit! NOT a pencil!’).

But I am getting better :smile:. So I guess it’s just a matter of practice.

In RL you could try imagining the things you want to do, keep going over them and maybe it will eventually work out in the dream. Good luck

yeah, this works, think about one thing that you want to improve the realism of and dwell on it in RL

what i realized whilst “meditating” is that if things are weird and not realistic in your dreams, it is a reflection of your real life.

if you go through motions mindlessly without thought or even feeling in real life, that is going to show up in your dreams, in order to have realistic dreams you have to analyze the trivial things you do without thought

what is it to type?

For me it is just a slightly delayed flow from thought to to text, the fingers? No… they just pitter and patter, I’m not really paying attention to them except when I make typos and when they get sore…

What is it to walk? A sucky boring activity you don’t pay much attention to? Then don’t expect walking to feel all that surreal and vivid in dream…

I guess this is what the Tibetan Dream Yoga is on about, but I haven’t studied that stuff, it just seems to me t hat if you want to improve realism in dream, you need to be observant and meditative of your surroundings… see what makes up a whole, rather than the whole itself.

Don’t see a tree, see the leaves, the bark, the branches, note how they all come together to form a unity, note how the wind makes the tree and it’s components move… note how it feels to be in water… etc…

we as humans are detached from everything, you know, it’s like, you build up a neural pathway while learning, and then what you do is automatic muscle memory and whatnot, not something you really pay attention to.

Just noticing the little things and how they come together and what they feel like can really help.

In fact when something doesn’t work at all in a dream and you are frustrated by it, I think it can be a message to your mind about your relation to that activity in real life.

Such as… (a bit adult topic but not really) masturbation in dreams doesn’t feel good, maybe it’s due to physical reasons and counteractions, or maybe it means that I just emotionlessly and detachedly go through it and never really take the time to appreciate it and enjoy it in real life.

It’s become a habit… a detached and lifeless habit.

Maybe I can fix that… maybe that’s why it doesn’t work in dream.

Who knows.

/end meditative ramble.