Hey everyone,
I am just starting out trying to get lucid, and i have been unsucesful thus far, but i was wondering about buying novadreamer goggles, but then i found the price… a whopping $325 american, plus shipping and handling… no thanks…im just wondering… has anyone found any similar prouducts that work but are cheaper, or has anyone made there own? thanks…
Take a look on Ascension post “I bought myself the Nova Dreamer”.Its few topics below here,in same section.I guess you can find a lot of info about the device there:)
Yes, I can certainly attest to the fact that the Novadreamer does indeed work. In fact, I had two lucid dreams within two days of buying the device. However, I found that the Novadreamer only worked short-term for me. Within a week or so, I became desensitized to even the strongest settings of light intensity, sound and frequency. This meant that I would sleep through even the strongest cue settings rendering the device useless for me. Needless to say, I returned it. If you’re like me, you’ve probably decided to get the device anyway. If you order it from the Lucidity Institute, be sure to specifically request a BRAND NEW system. I rather imagine they’ve had a lot of returns in the past. When I ordered my Novadreamer, they obviously sent me a used system that was supposed to be new. Again, be sure to specifically request a NEW system. Otherwise you may suffer the same fate as I.
Same story as dreamcatcher here, but there is one exception: didn’t have any LDs at all. Every LD tech where you work with recognizing “dream signs” is at least as useful as this expensive thing. They have sold me a used one too (including used batteries) :yeahright:
When you had the nova dreamer did you remember if you checked the batteries. From what I read the nova dreamer eats batteries like crazy. (Within a few days) What happens is you don’t realize that the nova dreamer is not quing you because the batteries are low.
With that said, I hope you got a full refund. I think Labarge is selling that device at an obscene price. And it is sold as a bundle with his book, cd’s, tapes and a course in lucid dreaming. Most of which you may not need.
I think you are better off. This way you can progress in LD ing without dependance on a device.
You are absolutely right. If you can train yourself to recognize dream signs ( which you have to do to use the nova dreamer) then you don’t really need it. Even the lucidity institute openly says that you do not need the nova dreamer to have lucid dreams. Also, from what I understand the cues it gives you are not as obvious as you would expect.
It would be great if they were obvious, for example a red flashing light, then you could train yourself to recognize that specific signal AND be assured it will appear in your dreams every night. But it’s not like that, the variations are endless, even a strange looking hat could be the effect of the flashing light .
Free methods like WBTB and MILD have proven to be a zillion times more effective for me than NovaDreamer.
Probably the most useful thing about it is the reality-check button for FA’s, but you can always do RC’s with or without ND.
Still glad I bought it anyway, otherwise I would still be curious about it and now I know how it works for me (not).
I am somewhat glad that every time I was going to buy a nova dreamer they were out of stock.