Last night, at the very end of my dream, I had the sudden idea that I could be dreaming. Everything became extremely vivid, and I was quite excited that I could have a lucid dream. I tried putting my hand through my other hand… And it didn’t work. I was a little disappointed, but thought it was cool that I could actually question reality to this degree. I actually remembered someone saying in a thread how this was one of the reasons they were motivated to LD and practise LL. Of course, in all of this, I failed to notice the fact that I was shirtless in a bathroom with cabinets full of random books and music playing from under the counter (I could also read titles on the books, though I don’t remember them, and I saw quite clearly a random LCD display with a number ending in 7e2 on it).
Basically, most things in this portion of the dream seemed pretty realistic, and I think that if I questioned the context and asked what I had been doing five minutes ago in my RC’s in waking life, I would have been lucid here.
I’d also try to do more than one RC. The ones I always do is the pinch nose RC and the one where you look at a clock, look away from it and look back, and see if the time has changed. (If there isn’t a clock nearby, try your mobile phone).
I’ve heard someone say before “It’s not the amount that counts, it’s the quality” about Reality Checks.
But I have to admit, I still have problems getting lucid as well, and even more in trying to stay asleep when one starts. (I’ve only had 1 successful one that lasted about a long 3 minutes) But we’ll get there
Doing more than one does sound like a good idea. I like the clock one, and I already do it somewhat often with my cell phone, but not as often as I did the hand one. Changing that shouldn’t be too hard, but I’ll also have to remember to look at the context too, since I think that’s probably one of the most important parts for me (it’s my most frequent dream sign).
But yes, we will get there I’ve set my goal at December 31st for my first LD that lasts more than 5 seconds (I had one in which I promptly woke up after my RC), so that should help with motivation and intention.
Each new year I say to myself: This year is going to be a year with lots and lots of LD’s! But here I am for the third time, not having that many LD’s at all I really should try harder. And I think I am, so who knows, I might just make your deadline as well
Posting on this forums helps too! At least, in my opinion it does. It helps me think more about lucid dreaming during the day and so it does in my dreams, making me become lucid more easy.
Awesome! I got really close this night. I had a FLD, and was thinking about dreams, in my dream, for a long time, but didn’t become lucid. But I was close though
I just posted the dream in my DJ, you can read it if you want
I always say that the quality is better then quantity, at least in WL… I mean in dreams quality is also very important but for me also quantity has it’s importance. So in WL I don’t do RC every 5 or 10 minutes but in a dream most of the times I need to do that. It helps me to stay focused and in a game…