NREM, more realistic than REM?

Well… I don’t mean ND, I mean LDs… heh… When ever I consider my self to have an LD I am in complete control of everything, but it is a matter of excerting the control through the concious or subconcious.

If I am not completely and totally lucid I don’t consider it an LD any more, because every single dream I gave I am in control of my self, but I don’t behave the same way I would in a truly lucid dream. My dream mind is still making things seem logical etc that aren’t.

I don’t know… it is hard to explain, but it isn’t a matter of sacrificing lucidity for realness or vividity, it is simply becoming lucid enough to fully stablize your dream so that your mind basically believes that it is real, even though you are conciously aware that you are dream and are in full control. This way, just like in real life, you subconcious will begin to fill in the blanks for you.

To be honest I do not know if there is anyway to really know within a dream if you are in NREM or not. I know that jeff mentioned that his NREM dreams were in B&W but, that was the only real difference between the two dreams. I think jeff said that dream control and realism was the same as rem. However, this may not be true for all. I have done WILD at bed time with no prior sleep and slipped right into a dream full color and all. According to theory this should be NREM sleep. Was I in NREM ??? Do I somehow force REM sleep at the beginning of the sleep cycle ??? I have no idea.

I think the only way to tell which state you are in within the dream would be to retain consciousness through all levels of sleep. Yes that is possible to do. I have not done it yet but, I am working on it. Even then I still may not know with any certainly what state I am in.

I am not really sure what difference it makes what stage you dream in. I think you should work on perfecting the LD’s you have now. Just my opinion but I think you are distracting yourself too much buy worrying about the hole REM/NREM thing. To be honest I am still not sure what you want to accomplish or what you are trying to prove. I am not trying to discourage you in any way. I just think things might make more sense if you master one thing first before you move on to the next step. Obviously you have no trouble becoming lucid. Now it seems you need to master staying in the dream and making the experience more real to you. I think once you master this step the next will open its self up to you.

Either way I wish you the best of luck with it. Perhaps you will someday take LDing to a new level.

well i think the only thing i wanted to accomplish from this was to induce the most realistic dreams possible…which well, we know the brain works differently during NREM sleep and goes over memories and solves problems (i think) so that’s why I thought NREM dreams can be more relaistic than REM dreams.

anyway, from a few isolated WILD morning successes I"ve determined that nREM dreams seem to be like, like entering hypnagogics, they are hard to stay inside and very hard to move in, you feel heavy… your body is not right, it’s kind of like OBEing in regards to the sensations you get in your body…

it could be REM though… who knows… it’s just soooooo LIGHT that I’m always aware of my room and the noises in it, it’s not deep enough for what I’d call a normal REM dream, though it can lead to that level of deepness… I find that I definitely move my body a bit when I wake up from these early morning failed WILDs, I’ll wake up moving my fingers and hands while trying to hold onto dream objects… and I don’t do that from normal REM like dreaming.

Who knows… I want an EEG… I do some weird stuff sometimes… it’d be nice to know what I’m doing in my brain when I drift in and out of sleep while trying to WILD at night… I’ve gotten to where I dont’ jolt anymore but… that just makes me rested and gives me insane insomnia… it’s better to jolt… it seems.

Sorry for the late reply. I have not been on the forums much the last few days.

I think that NREM dreams could be just as real and vivid as REM sleep. Like you, I think they could be even more vivid. I do not have any proof to back this up. It is just something I believe.

Good luck on your experimenting.