I’d like to post this in the lucid laboratory but I don’t know what you have to do to become a “researcher”…
Do you all find that your NREM dreams (how we establish when they are, and how we remember them I do not know) seem to be more derived in realism than your REM dreams?
I have developed a theory:
NREM tends to be related to learning, it tends to involve your mind going over familiar processes, processes it is trying to learn and integrate it, memories of the day… common activities, etc…
Therefore the parts of the mind active during NREM are firmly rooted in “real world” realism…
However once we shift into REM, there is no need for those parts to be active anymore, they already got their excercise… hence, the non-logical craziness of dreams.
But we do dream during NREM… most assuredly… the question is how do we get lucid in those dreams, and how do we remember them?
I have had a few in which I think given the span I was asleep for, that I was in lucid in NREM.
The best example I can give is when I tried to stay awake until I hit SP… well… of coures that fell apart when the HI showed up, and I lost focus… but I immediately found myself in a lucid dream of my room.
Now… I know you can be lucid during the first REM stage, sure… never really happens for me… but I do believe that it can, under normal circumstances, take a few hours to reach the first REM stage, as you have to go through all other cycles first?
Well at any rate… I was in my bed, a common dream theme… and there was a girl there… it started out much like a deepening of HI would start out, she was by my head, talking to me… doing weird things, blowing her clarinet in my ear… then we were playing guitar, yet the domintant feature of this portion was HER playing, not me…I had a bit of a difficulty in coordination…
Then she was sleeping next to me… then I wanted to do it with her… i started halfway waking and whatnot… but managed to stay in/reenter… still… not really making much use of my body at all… we had sex, and no, it wasn’t particularly realistic… but it lasted a long time and I lucidly worked on trying to make it real based upon what little knowledge I have of it… and it started working.
I remember, at the time, thinking “this has to be an NREM dream” … now I’ll conceede the sex wasn’t very real, how can it be for a virgin, though? But everything else ultimately was… the properties of my guitar, though hard to play… I thought of a song and eventually my fingers were drawn to the correct and going automaticaly, almost beyond control (as if revisiting a memory of how to play it)… her clarinet playing… the notes matched her fingering as far as I could discern… she was playing Gs and As mostly… I think she even named the notes she was about to play…
It just did not have the characteristics of a normal dream.
it was rooted in a theme of sleeping/immobility
-----we are not paralyzed during NREM, are we? Thus most NREM is either you remote viewing something like a movie (and this is why we jolt awake if sudden movement becomes involved?) or … my theory: it involves simply lying prone, doing something. -
increased realism in things I am familiar with, with little room for abstract qualities.
normal unrealism in unfamiliar abilities… however better ease at controlling realism by revisiting memories (in this case, of porn) than available in normal dreaming.
trying to have sex and trying to move seemed to have triggered the dream to fall apart… most of it seemed to be prone and inactive for a while… I did eventually do some moving… but the moving was still related to bed so who knows, if I was acting it out [how embarrasing] then it wouldn’t have put me in much danger…
the advent of my friend suddenly appearing made me think “i have entered REM” and he STRONGLY wanted me to abort this scene and interact with him, which curtailed into moving into an abstract game room… out of the blue, from seemingly nowhere…
#5 suggests that upon entering REM, something is taken to tell the dreamer, providing he is in a first person dream “HEY, okay, get up, lets get going, I have various symbolic stuff I want to communicate to you!”
the lack of realism and logic (why does he appear? Why does he not care that I’m with a woman? Why does he so firmly want me to leave?) seems to really have signaled at least a beginning of REM, though I could have entered it before then… maybe.
I don’t know.
I know that “remote viewing” seems to just scream NREM to me… and it is characteristic of HI… and it is characteristic of what happens when an REM dream starts ending but you don’t immediately wake up…
I know that in any NREM dreams in which you are moving, they tend to result in you waking up…
I know that large portions of my dreams involve my sleeping, lying down, but still interacting with a dream envrionment, but for some reason do not want to get up (i am tired) or cannot get up (but it is NOT the same feeling as paralysis, at all)… then eventually they pick up pace and I go get up, as if I had just “woken up” (into a dream, though I’d been in one forever) and then I can move around freely.
I just think that perhaps in an NREM dream, you are going to be likely to dream about sleeping… I know they say this is true for REM, since you ARE sleeping afterall… but the point is, during REM, you shouldn’t be aware of your body much at all, since it is paralyzed and all sensory information it receives is largely filtered out…
while drifting into NREM you can stay fully aware of your body for a long time.
I’m not sure about this… but I think a majority of my dreams about sleeping occur during periods of NREM before reintering REM, and rather than being in nothingness, given my lucid and observant nature, I want to see a continuity of the dream theme, hence me sometimes spontaneously feeling tired and needed to “sleep” inside a dream, then I’ll get up and be able to resume it for normal.
I think these periods of “sleep” or bed ridden activity indicate going into NREM, as to prevent us from acting out our dreams…
But I’m not really sure, becuase sometimes given the time that I think it is, and being in a first sleep cycle, I feel like I’m not in REM, but I’m still moving around… maybe when you get deep enough (delta?) you can move?
I wonder if there is any reasearch on this… it’s just recently been acknowladged that yes, you can dream during NREM… so… I wonder if there is any research done with lucid dreamers on what they experience during NREM…?
I know that people can have OBEs while still awake and that they don’t normally ever act out what they are experiencing… so this would suggest that you don’t necessarily have to be paralyzed to have an active first person dream.
It is a general idea/goal of mine to try and really establish whether I’m in NREM or not so that I can see if the NREM environment is indeed much more realistic and logical (as if in the real world) than an REM dream.
if so I’d dare say for many different applications, NREM dreams could prove better than REM dreams, especially since seratonin is supposed to be produced in NREM, while not in REM (meaning if you force yourself to stay in REM too much while lucid you could not get enough seratonin produced in a night)
I need an EEG.