I’m new to lucid dreaming although I had lucid dreams before I found out there was a name for it.
My dream recall needs work though, I started a dream journal and I’m remmembering a dream every 1-3 days but its getting better.
I sleep like a stone, so I don’t usualy wake up during a dream, so I have set my alarm to go off during the night, and then I started having false awakening, for example I set my alarm to go off at 3:00 at night, then in my dream I wake up, check the clock (i don’t check it again though) and then go back to sleep, and the real alarm wakes me up, very frustrating…
thanx for reading this…
oh sh*t, I didn’t see The Big “Hi, I’m new here!” Topic, and I can’t delete this post, so sorry…damn I just made a fool of myself
Yeah, but you also posted up a problem, so I may as well answer that .
If you’re one of those people who has loads of FA’s (i wish I do - I find them hilarious ) then you should start taking RC’s every time you wake up. Once you’ve got that into a habit (like I have) the next time you have an FA, you should take an RC, become lucid and go have fun .
No worries Happens to the best of us! But now that you’ve made this topic I might as well welcome you here!
That’s great that you’re a natural LDer! You are very lucky, I’m glad you’ve decided to reenforce your skill. I hope you find LD4all a great place to learn almost everything you need to know about dreams
I think you will find it very helpful. There are a lot of good people here as well.
Surreal as all ready answered your question, with good advise. I don’t really have much to add to it except to tell you no mater what don’t give up. Everyone can learn to LD and you can make it easy on your self if you have patients and practice. LD ‘s can come quickly for some (some even after the first night) whereas others may take several weeks but if you don’t give up you will succeed.
Now your topic’s title isn’t just a “hello” topic. Although you could have changed the title yourself with the “Edit” button. I’ll answer any other “technical” questions about the forum if you need so, just pm or email me or the other moderators.
You should create a RC to perform each time your alarm goes off. You might want to use a few. You could check the clock twice, and maybe flip the radio on/off to see if the switch works. Most times in dreams electronics don’t behave as they should. (sarcasm as if they do in real life /sarcasm)
Easier said than done though, I admit. When I hear an alarm clock the only thing I’m concerned in completing is finding the button that stops it.
Welcome! I was in a asimilar situation as you… I had LDs when I was younger, but I just thought something was wrong with me Then I found out what they were.
When I set my alarm for the middle of the night I find that I wake up naturally a the wakeup time, but also spend the night having FAs. I found that this technique is the best in my half year of experience for LDs. Use your FAs to your advantage, but to do this you need to do RCs jsut like every one else said. I like plugging my nose and trying to breath through it. In a dream air will go through. I find this much more reliable than messing with my alarm, which has failed many times for me.
I think every one should try your WBTB FA technique… it works great for me 1-3 LDs nightly when I practice this for a few days.
DreamAddict: thanx for offering the help, but this forum isn’t any different from other ones, so I’m ok, besides computers (or any other type of technology) never gave me any trouble like they have you (as it sounds )
toadstool: I think that your RC technique is great, its a lot better then standing up and walking around looking at writing or the clock, I just want to shut the damn alarm clock up as fast as I can and go back to sleep, good thing I still remember to write down my dreams (If any)
Yes I suppose that was a poor choice of words. What I met was that RC using objects and such can often function very realistically in a dream and can lead you to thin you are awake instead of dreaming. I prefer to do things like fly or telekinesis. Something that would be impossible to rationalize.
Yes, I’m a Windows user on a satellite internet connection, and use a cordless mouse with half-dead batteries. I may run into trouble every now and again, but I just look at my occasional technical glitches as automatic reality checks.
I suppose I should clarify my welcome. I’m extending my welcome to invite you to contact me (or other mods) in the event you have any questions concerning the forum.
Although, I’ll help you set your alarm clock also if you need it!
Ok, this is off topic to whatever you guys are talking about, but it goes with the thread.
This morning I woke up to my alarm at 5:15(I set it early on purpose) and woke up without recalling a dream, as I expected. I set my alarm for 6:00, hoping to enter REM and recall a dream. Well, as I said in another thread, it worked. However, the dream I had was really annoying. It went like this:
I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day, exaclty like I did every morning. (I HATE those dreams. Where you dream you got up and got ready, only to wake up and realize you have to drag yourself out of bed still) Only as I was brushing, my teeth started falling out. I said to myself, hm, thats not right. (Aren’t I a smart one? lol) This can’t be real. (oO, almost lucid!) Then I had a FA. But the thing was, when I had my FA, I was sitting at the sink, right where I had been a second ago. Then I though, ok, I guess I really did get up but just fell alseep while I was brushing and dreamed that my teeth were falling out. So I did a RC, just a simple one. I tried to put my hand through the mirror. But it didnt’ let me! So I tried the wall next: same thing. So then I believed that I was really awake! At that point I woke up for real. Wow, a FA, a dream within a dream, a failed reailty check and an almost LD all in one dream.
If I had stayed alseep, I probably would have just gone along with the dream because after I had done those two RCs, I forgot about any possibility of being in a dream. It was like I had never done them. At which point I woke up.
Thats the problem with FA, just like in real life when you try putting your hand through a wall or a mirrow you expect it not to work, and since in a FA you think your not dreaming you also expect it not to work…and so it doesn’t, thats my explaination anyway.
Instead of trying to put your hand through a wall next time try training yourself to read a clock and then look back, the clock will change whether you expect it to or not, and then you’ll become lucid (hopefully)
The clock doesn’t ALWAYS change. It didn’t or me once. But then again, neither did the other seven or so RC’s I tried in that single FA did…
I think my subconcious was determined to stop me from having an LD (I’d had one a few minutes before, but my subconcous tricked back into thinking it was reality…) though…
Probally because I’d only had a few hours of sleep…
But I do have to admit that the clock one is pretty reliable (and fun. try looking at it and blinking. i get really cool results ).
Like I said before (I think), you have to find a RC that works for you. The put your hand through something doesn’t seem to work for you (it doesn’t for me either - even when I’m already lucid and wanna know what it feels like).
Also, ALWAYS expect your RC’s to work. Even if it’s your normal day to day ones. You never know, you might be sleeping…