*NT memory of a dream or was it IRL?

original topic: Just curious

Have any of you had the scary feeling about whether or not an event in your memory was from a vivid dream you’ve had or if it actually happened?

It’s happened to me a few times…just wondering if it’s happened to anyone else or if my long term memory is just going bad. :razz:

raises hand

I have it a lot, really weird…

just this evening I had the sensation again… In the summer we where in the US with our family and I remember going with them to some kind of library. But was that in a dream, or was it in a dream i had when i was there, or did it actually happen :confused:

after some thought i decided it was a dream, but it is a really weird feeling :smile:

I also have a lot of deja vu’s; something happens, or i watch something on tv and i think: hey, i have dreamt of that, haven’t i? or: i’ve already seen this/ been through this, was that in a dream or what?


Claude de Contrecoer wrote an interesting paragraph about deja vu’s.

It’s at:

(You have to scroll down a bit…)

i have that problem EVERY DAY! i’ll be thinking about something, and i’ll not be able to remember if it was a dream or not. sometimes ill be so convinced it was in a dream because it was so weird, then later i’ll remember it was a music video or something. is this a disease of the mind or something that happens after doing lucid dreaming training, because up until i started doing this, it never happened. though it doesn’t bother me, just confusing :panic:

[size=75]i’ve had a few times when a dream confused me after waking up.
once i was convinced that there was a 20 dollar bill in my wallet when in fact i was broke.
all through the dream i kept checking my wallet and thinking “yep. there’s my money. gonna go spend it.”
when i woke up i thought i’d go to the mall and pick up a cd.
then i checked my wallet… .
that was depressing.

there have also been a few dejavus where i could remember seeing it the first time in a dream.
and when i had the dream.
in a few cases the dream had taken place years before.[/size]

A few nights ago, i dreamed about frogetting to do an essay for english class, and when I woke up I thought an essay was really due soon. So i turned on my computer and everything, and just to make sure I called a friend, and he said there wasnt an essay due. fewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :happy:

I can have similar problems and mistake dreams for reality too. It usually happens to me in the build up to exams when I sometimes dream that my problems are much worse than they are. I don’t clearley remember my dreams but I wake up with the sinking feeling that everything’s going wrong. :confused:

It can be a while before I remember snippets of my dream and realise that things are not so bad. :smile:

I havent realley tried to become lucid (too buisy wuith exams right now) and don’t even remember many dreams so I guess it’s not a problem cauesed by trying to become lucid for me.

I was even hoping that realising I am dreaming might help me seperate dreams from reality or let me control my dreams so as I can rest when I sleep rather than have my waking problems amplified for me.

That and it sounds like a lot of fun.

Hi dnos, i had that often as a child…was very strange…to experience that as a child…was also funny!

:happy: Jeff

This seems to only happen to you people when you have problems, but it has happened to me when i had no problems. I have had different dreams where i read the tv paper and there are shows that i LOVE that are going to be on tv when they really aren’t. Sometimes i go the whole week thinking that i gotta watch this show and then when the day comes i find out that it’s not gonna be on and that it was a dream. I’ve also had it with other things and i’ve had to ask people if it was a dream or not.

Wow…i just noticed…this topic is…a year old? how’d a year go by so quickly?

Yeah I had this experience a few years ago. We were on the beach as it started to rain very heavy. The wind was blowing like hell, but luckily I found shelter under some kind of sail. I don’t remember anything else from that day, just this scene.
I thought about this quite often and I never got any clue whatsoever whether it had really happened or not. Finally I asked my parents about it and they said it was a real event. But I’m not convinced however :smile: It’s so strange.