Moved from the Beyond Dreaming forum cause it’s mainly about the hypnagogic state.
I’m new here and it seems like a pretty nifty place.
I’ve been looking into Lucide Dreams and OBE’s for a few months now and I’ve been trying to get myself into the Hypnopompic state which is a way to get the body to sleep and keep the soul awake…making it possible to leave the body whilst still consious.
The problem is that I always get close…
I feel the rocking which is apparently a sign that I’m close but it always stops because I get abit excited.
I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on how to get over this little mile stone?
Yes, you need to practice in order to accustom yourself to those curious sensations. Your fear is perhaps also related to the fact you expect an OBE. But there is nothing to be afraid indeed.