I dont know but it possible while having an OBE, to travel back in time in the astral plane and see how ancient civilizations were? Just a thought.
whats wrong with you?
I don’t know, but it’s certainly possible to “travel in time” in a LD! If the scenes we see are historically correct, is another question. One might argue on the difference between an OBE and a LD, but i won’t get into that. Why not try, and see what happens? Maybe a spirit guide could show you?
And LucidLover, is anything wrong?
Hello Toni, you may also be interested in reading “TimeTravel” in the beyond dreaming section. It can be found here
ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t … highlight=
Toni… im not sure about OOBEs…but in Lucid Dreams, you can certainly change the setting of a historical part in time. In order to do this, you will have to have some knowledge on that. For instance, if you wanted to see Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence, then you would have to know what it was like back then. Then, in your dream, you could re-arrange the setting to make it look like it…or at least what your mind thinks of it. That make sense?