
can u go from a lucid dream to an obe? if so how?

yes u can. in the lucid dream make sure you increase ur clarity and lucidity as much as possible so that u are as conciuos as you can be. then try to wake up, but only make ur mind wake up. hopefully u will wake up in sleep paralysis, where ur body is still sleeping, but ur mind is awake in the real word. you will not be able to move anything except your eyeballs. at this point you have to do this quickly. try to feel yourself sinking into the bed, or use whatever method to have an OBE which people use. hope i helped, ben

I totally agree with ben on that…

how would you go about waking yourself up from a LD? Every time I try it I either fully awake, or I get a FA.

A good way is to focus on your third eye.
This adds clarity.
If you have trouble waking up instead of staying in LD/Astral projection while you think you are paralized, imagine yourself floating out of your body through your third eye.

Why go through the trouble of trying to wake yourself up, and trying for a projection manually? That idea is insane. Well, it’s alright if you just want to go into the real time dimension (a reflection of the physical). While in a lucid dream, you are already out of body. The thing that people don’t realize is that all your thoughts and emotions are created around you. So, to answer the question; once you become lucid, stop what you are physically doing. Stand still, and let your thoughts and emotions stand still as well. If you do this, and get used to the control, you’ll notice that objects created by you will disappear. Therefore everything left (the scenery, buildings,etc.) is all real. You’ll be free to percieve the astral dimension. It’s a shame that you guys don’t right on the forum too much, as this information will probably be ignored. Well, if one person reads this and learns about the method, I’ll be happy! Please pass it around to people who care! Thanks.

Im new here…so what is OBE & FA ?? :eh:

Kat if you move your mouse over certain terms you will see what they stand for. Also read the sticky topics and you should be set.

me that’s a very interesting point but I have little control in my few LD and as real as things seem, they are simply out of place…

thankx 4 the hint ! :wink:

Yeah-waking up in order to have obe is unecessary.
Anyways,theres a method using hipnagogics.If you are aiming for ld the hypnagogics should be noted and observed.When they become more and more shaped you try to "shape"them into the situation or object most common in your dreams(dream sign).You just helping your imagination like when u watch the clouds and try to figure out what they are similar to.
While wanting OBE you just watch hypnagogics as they passing by.You notice them,you stay aware but you just keep concious.What you are looking for here is tiny space between wakefulness and point of falling asleep.The key is to go through it conciously.Hard thing thats right:(
But thats what the method says.

Ok, i had an OBE last night, right before i went to sleep, but b/f i went to sleep, i kinda of hyponotised myself.(used the same process that i saw in a movie :shrug:) After i notice that it was working, that i was falling into a trance state of thinking, i started to feel myself float upwards. The feeling felt so werid inside…like i was awake, and i could of woken up at any second, but i kept on thinking of leaving my body and going some where else, but when i tried i felt stuck or limited like i couldnt go anywhere, i saw a door shut and i couldnt open it, and i got frustrated and lost train of thought, but the weird thing was i was still dreaming, and i knew that i was dreaming, b/c i was aware that i was alseep. I started to have an easy LD out of nowhere, but after i tried to have fun in my dream i just woke up instantly. Now what i discussed here; confused me a bit, i wasnt sure why i was stuck, and the other thing what can help you stay in this phase of thinking?(or help increase your chance of having an OBE?)

you can go at it at two angles you can go from conscious state straight to obe as long as you keep your mind alert as you drift off to sleep and physically relaxed and body going limp, I was able to pull this off now with only 4-5hours sleep, binaural music (immunizing hemi-sync) and tommy’s vibration starter are good ones and body awareness exercises imagine current going from the feet upto head (inhale deeply fill your stomach) then exhale slowly while energy from head going to your belly (they say your body conserves the energy there from robert bruce’s book astral dynamics) also mood be in a desirous mood boy this feels good or is going to feel good keep doing it as you relax more and more. So the two scenarios can happen you fall asleep but since your mind is awake you end up obe’ing somehow or you may fall asleep enter the first dream sequence but your mind is sort of awake you will say hey this is a dream then you become lucid/aware then you can start giving commands in your dream your desires like I said I want to see entities in astral realm all of a sudden my body became heavy (paralysis) had my astral eyes (see through my eyelids in the ceiling) I freaked out because I Wasn’t aware my body was automatically preparing to seperate so I aborted. But awareness is the key to the two modes the lucid dream modes if you want to get answers to questions or the obe mode which is even more deeper (physical paralysis) where you seperate from your body. I don’t know if there are any more other modes/focus points I think there is I haven’t yet encountered them yet but they do exist since if you checkout gateway series hemisync there are other focus points.

if you are aware you are dreaming two times I had had obe experience, looking at objects then being aware I’m dreaming then not being interested in what I see close eyelids then listen to hum in my ear that caused the dream to shut down and I was looking through my closed eyes in my bedroom and just walked out. Another time knew I was dreaming I just had the desire to see someone in the physical world and I said it and all of a sudden was looking through my closed eyes from my bed then had the paralysis but then chickened out but I would of gone through the obe, it’s almost as if it switched from lucid dreaming to obe mode. Its very easy when you are aware you are dreaming the desire has to be there and the first thought after you know you are aware you are dreaming try using wild/mild technique ie do reaility checks on text/numbers turn away look then turn away 3 times if they are the same then say i’m awake if not i am dreaming in case you are awake then imagine if you were dreaming what you would do next ie imagine you would desire to see someone see it happen this way next time you are aware you are dreaming that idea will come into your mind first.