OBEs vs. LDs: which is easier?

hello, i have recently been trying different things like AP, OBE, and LDs. Which is easiest to learn (for you)?

LD’s much easier. OBE’s might take some more dedication and practice. Iv’e had 5 LD’s and 1 semi OBE.

LDs, definitely. I’ve had OBEs, but LDs are much more common for me and are much easier.

Sorry to disappoint, but they are one and the same thing.

Dreams form around the last thing you were aware of, usually around your hypnogogic imagery. When you fall directly into sleep, you dream defaults to the last thing you were aware of, which is being in your room or house.

I don’t say this to cheapen the OBE experience, but you’ll get more out of it once you understand OBEs and dreams are the same. The same control methods apply to both, and they both unfold in the exact same way.

I have a different opinion.
OBE’s CAN be dreams, or they can be more like AP’s.
That beings said, to have an experience that you are outside of your body, you just need to have a little LD control. In that sense they are the same and equal in difficulty.

However if you believe in AP the way I do, to project out isn’t necessarily easier nor harder. It’s just different. I would generally say the different is probably harder for most people, but I’ve projected 6 or 7 times now. But everyone is good at different things, so I would not say its always harder.

The main difference between the two is that in OBEs you can’t change the enviroment fully like you want to, while in LDs you can.