Odd sensation with dream limbs feeling very real.

So I haven’t been active on this forum for a LONG time, however I’ve been lurking lately. Anyway, I remember having this lucid dream a bit over a week ago where I was flying (think of the way Superman flies, kinda like that). I remember adjusting my arms a bit as a flew but couldn’t help but notice feeling as if my arms had some kinda weight to them like they would in waking life. I then got worried and wondered if I was actually moving my arms in my bed, and how weird that’d look if that was happening being that this was the first time I’ve ever felt that in a dream. In my startled state I couldn’t help but think something along the lines of “wow this can’t be feeling so real”. Not sure what happened the rest of the lucid dream, as I was lucid for a bit longer, however that particular moment felt rather significant.

Does this feeling mean anything in particular in terms of being immersed in the dream? Has anyone else had a similar experience?

I felt the same thing when i first started flying. I don’t have any hard evidence, but I think it is normal to feel that, and it really doesn’t matter. If you focus on that little bit of information, you could lose control or even wake up.

Just ride the storm, man.

The “problem” became when you started to think that you can act out of the dream. Then everything became messy, because in the dream thinking is doing and if you manifest for your situation negative thought then this is actually gonna happen. You started to worry about your physical body and that’s what kept you from doing anything else.

But this also have a positive side. It meant that you were really lucid. It is a unique experience. But next time try not to worry. Keep in mind that you are - your physical body completely safe and that whatever you do in a dream will not effect your physical body.