Odd synchronicities.

That happens to a lot of people, I hear. I think it’s because you subconsciously know when you’re supposed to get up, and your body gets the message. Some people don’t even use alarm clocks because they just do some affirmations and their brain does the rest. Cool though.

If you predicted a song by Led Zepplin would come on (and not Stairway to heaven) THAT would be psychic at least in Australia.

Anyway, here’s a strange coincidence. This guy was being a complete prick to me a few days ago and for some reason I imagined that he would ask me for money. I thought that I should (although I don’t like him) for good Karma and all. Sure enough, the next day he asked me for money in the school canteen(NOT a regular thing for this guy).

Also, on the same day I was going to a college information night and thought of an old friend that I hadn’t seen for five years. When I sat down for the speech by the head of the school I looked around and saw him standing next to me!

On both of these occasions I was quite depressed, I heard that that might have something to do with psychic stuff.

Actually that just has to do with your internal clock.

here is something fantastic

I’m in a good mood and going to the movies with my family, I’m having happy thoughts rather than I’m annoyed with them becuase so and so or i hate the government or i’m bored… or the radio is too quiet (it was too quiet) thoughts

so… the radio is playing, and I’m sitting there imagining the Outsider, APC, coming on, I hear the opening guitar parts, I hear the announcer (well by hear I mean basically just a fantasy, not actually hearing) saying stuff about a perfect circle…

then… somehow, I think the radio song has ended, and I “hear” (almost for real hear it in my head) their little random noises they make when they announce you’re listening to so and so blah blah blah… and then I kind of “feel” that the outsider IS coming on… but then I’m like, what, no, this song isn’t even over yet… and it ends like 15-20 seconds later…

and when it does… there comes that good old guitar riff… man… I was just so happy… it wasn’t just a “i hope it comes on” it was like an “I just made this song come on!” or “i’m in tune with the future!” kind of feeling…

It was great.

unfortunately I couldn’t replicate this with any other songs, and the rest of the radio listening really sucked, especially due to my dad turning off good RATM and Radiohead songs and much crappy over heard metallica and limp bizkit…

they rarely play the Outisder, I don’t usually hear it more than once or so a month really… so… this was fairly significant.

A few things before I get into my theories.

  1. I think its really weird someone mentioned the Applegates above because, just before I signed on I was lying on my bed listening to French classical music and I suddenly remembered randomly that scene where the daughter gives birth to the squishy egg thing, and then I sign on to this thread for some reason and I see you mention this fairly obsure movie.

  2. I have this thing where I will have a song in my head and I will then hear it in the most random places. The most recent example is where I saw Santana on one channel and I noticed one riff he played in a jam stuck in my head for some reason. I thought over the riff for a couple minutes and I realized that it sounded just like “Owner of a Lonely Heart” by Yes". So then a few minutes later I turn on Beavis and Butthead and one of the videos they watched was that video…

Ok, here’s my belief on pattern recognition. It involves my studies in college concerning implicit memory. Without going into the argument of whether or not implicit memory exists I will mention one example of an interesting experiment. It involves Markovian grammar, also known as artificial grammar. A simple summary of this experiment is that a bunch of people were given letters either chosen at random (control group) and or letters chosen in order according to a chart that had random, yet specific rules (experimental group). They each had to memorize a string of 4-8 letters, and wouldn’t ya know it, the experimental group started to do better as the experiments continued. Plus, although the experimental group could not indicate the rules that governed the letter order, they could pick out letters that fit in this order; almost proving that humans are able to unconsciously process patterns in waking life. Could this show that people might be able to notice enough patterns to become soothsayers? I don’t know, but I want to believe it.

Plus, I used to have precog dreams all of the time. However, since I started smoking dope I’ve noticed that my dreams are still very prophetic, yet aren’t as directly representative of the future as they used to be.

holy reality

I think it is really just a mater of beating the odds. I mean you have to be right once in a while. Here is an exercise for you. The next time you are driving in your car try and predict when the red lights will turn green. You will find that you guess right a lot of the time.

I think that if you could truly see the future you would know that you can. You would not be wondering if you are psychic or not.

Yesterday I tried to make a Jellyfish in Blender3d and today I downloaded the new one, which to my suprise has a picture of jellyfish on the start up thingy.

yeah I understand what you are saying but this was a different feeling than just wanting or “thinking” a song would come on.

as for traffic lights, they run on a timer, I’ve wanted to not brake at all and have them go green right before I cross, but well, I’m sensible enough not to, I almost always know when they’ll turn green and drive in erratic patterns (such as being really slow to the point of nothaving to stop because it’s green when I arrive) and whatnot…

this pisses off the other drivers who don’t know what I’m doing and they often times screw up my traffic flow if they are in front of me.

but yeah…

Hendrixlee: somebody made those jellyfish a while back, I was surprised they used it as the image at the start up in blender.


Just had to share this little “odd synchronicity.”

I was listening to the radio in the kitchen and the DJ said Jason Mraz was coming up next. After listening to a few duds, I turned the radio off and walked into my room. I started singing a song from his album, Waiting for my Rocket to Come: “I’m just a Curbside Prophet with my hand in my pocket. . .” and just as I said that part, I turned on my radio to hear Mraz’s voice going, “. . .and I’m waiting for my rocket to come.” True, this isn’t too odd, but I couldn’t help but beam at the coincidental factor going there. I love weird stuff like that!!! :content:

“It’s like deja vu all over again.” – Yogi Berra

Really, Mystery?

I don’t look at that gallery stuff, it only annoys me when I make something so much worse.

here’s some more good stuff

I had a dream where I somehow knew I had $100 in my wallet…

well anyway, a day or so later my dad is opening a card for his birthday from my grandparents, and he has a check, my mom is like “how much is it for?” and I’m like “$100 dollars” only… I never said it out loud, I was just thinking it.

Yup, $100 … lucky guy… I was slightly surprised they gave him that much, but I mean, he deserves it I guess, they spend a lot on me and my brother.

Not that there is any valid reason to give random gifts on a birthday, gifts are better when they are absolute surprises, birthdays seem kind of pointless and seem to be more valuable for just getting with friends, or family, and having a good time… but… I suppose the gifts can serve their purpose…

So anyway, oddly enough, with my refunded a perfect circle ticket :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: the show would have been yeterday… I have $99 … why $99 and not $100 I don’t know, but that’s nice…

It’s not hard to predect subconsciously given the normal rate of profit I make from various things and occasional handouts… but… yeah.

Hey how about this:

I’ve been considering for a while getting back in touch with an ex, just to see how she is, but been putting it off for a while. Then, the other day, the urge to email her is strong enough for me to actually sit down and do it.

Then, when she replies, she says “what a coincidence!” and tells me I emailed her on the day that she was visiting a location really near where I live. She hardly EVER comes around to this part of town (in fact probably not since we went out years ago) and yet I email her on the exact day…

Definately synchronicity if you ask me (I’ve had stuff like this happen before). However, I’m not really sure what to make of it… I don’t want to freak out and start talking as if we are soul-mates or anything… although when I read her email my heart went crazy so who knows. :smile:

In fact now I think of it, this person has caused a whole load of synchronicity for me:

  • for example, when we actually first met it was via the net. She only messaged me because my profile looked like another of her ex’s that SHE was trying to get in touch with!

  • after we split, I was in a club and a girl who looked almost exactly like my ex cracked on to me and we ended up going back to her place… it is rare enough for a girl to initiate things in a club with me as it is, let alone for her to be almost identical in looks/accent/personality to my ex… (we never met up again after that night though)

Synchronicity is a very pretty and odd thing. The trouble with it is that when you begin to interpret every synchronicity phenomenum as a sign, then it’s above all the sign that you’re going paranoid. :grin:

It happend to a friend, some years ago… :crazy: (He’s better now) So I definitely gave up with synchronicity.

That being said, you don’t have to find philosophical reasons to stay in touch with a :wiske: who obviously pleases you… And this is perhaps the explanation of your whole load of synchronicity. :smile:

Hehe great stories all! :content:

Lately I’m trying to get a deeper understanding of my regular dreams through symbolism and their connection with waking life experiences. Last week I experienced three strange synchronicities (or precognitive dreams if you like, but they’re a form of synchronicity):

  1. On Thursday I dreamed about a big car park of a large surrounding shopping center. I entered one specific shop but nothing else really happened. On Saturday I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 and somewhere near the end I recognized exactly the same place. It was when two officers were recruiting new members for the army. I also recognized the shop, but the camera guy didn’t go inside.
  2. Earlier, I had a strong dream about a small American city which had 11 churches. The next day, I read about an American city with “lots of churches”.
  3. Yesterday I had a pretty intense dream about a volcanic eruption on an island. By coincidence I read a report today of someone who had precognitive dreams about the great volcanic eruption on the island of Martinique in 1902.