Oh here's to my sweet Satan...

Check it out yourselves…
:blush: https://www2.memlane.com/jmilner/stairwaybackwards.htm
Creepy stuff.

liek omg that is insane.

yeah…how did they do that? :confused:

Wow. Up until now, that song was among my top favorite songs. I’ll never look at it the same way again. :sad: …Thanks, man, youve ruined it for [b]EVERYONE[/b] :cry: HEHE im just kidding…still up there on my list :grin:

how just about all of those “secret messages” work is…hmm… I can’t think of the word, but look at some random surface, like a textured wall, or marble, something like that and try to find a face. chances are it won’t take you too long. When your brain recieves garbage information, it tries to make sense out of it. So when you hear the backwards words, your brain finds the closest word it knows. Who knows, led zep may have been satanists, but more likely it’s what I just talked about.

Just my $0.02

I agree with ChicoRaton: it’s probably the brain which tries to make some sense out of the nonsense. There are many other examples like this, even from the Beatles if I remember correctly…
Still, it’s freaky to hear :smile:

Yeah “We buried Paul” :content:

BTW Who said that You have to take it all serious hehe :tongue:

yeh. I’ve heard that twinkle twinkle little star comes out as “I wish there was no allah” backwords…

you guys should try just recording yourself rambling (it has to be a very deatched ramble while focusing on some sort of inner feeling) about things

and playing it backwards.

I did it and got some interesting results, lots of it didn’t make sense, lots of it made some coherent freaky sense when slowed down and screwed around with.

supposedly the subconscious conveys messages to others by encoding them backwards in your speech, I have no idea whether that could be true or not but sometimes I’ll hear myself say something and it sounds REALLY WEIRD just like warped and timed strangely, and it can’t help but feel like whatever I just said, that it would make sense being played backwards.

like… i’ll hold onto a syllable too long, and jump quickly into a next one, and make weird noises while saying whatever I’m saying…

and well, it’s always very detached when I do it, like speaking rather than thinking, being impulsive… and… I can’t help but wonder if maybe it’s true, maybe I just said something backmasked.

hehe sorry if I sounded too serious, I’m not that anal about stuff. can I say anal here? anyway…that recording yourself thing sounds pretty cool. I’ll have to try it some time when I get the chance.

Are there any software that allows you to play an audio track backward? or perharps an hidden option of winamp?

well for the sucky end, windows recording mixer works, it’s on all windows computers, or should be.

cool edit pro, any music recording stuff really…

real jukebox (you have to convert to wav first though, if you want to play mp3s backward)

i’m sure there might be various free plugins out there.

They have updated the URL, and haved added a few more songs to the list.

I rememeber way back in 85 or 86 these christians were goin around giving cassette tapes out of all kinds of music that had hidden messages in it… this was one of the songs… iremember one of the other songs was queens, Another one bites the dust, backwards it sounded like it was saying "its fun to smoke marijuana…
These same christians were goin around burning and destroying records…

windows sound recorder has this reverse option. No need for other pro tools. I didn’t find anything till now. suggest me what songs to try to play backwards. There are some more advanced researches on separating patterns from the audio sample.
I’m actually doing one project on that. When I got some results I’l post it, for now a lot is stil lto be done.

I think there was also this whole court case in some Judas Priest song backwards that said “Do it” and these parents tried to sue em cuz they say it pushed their son to suicide or something, I’ll research and edit this post…

People with a lot of extra time on their hand read too much into everything…[size=9]Satan!![/size]

the original link is updated with more samples :happy: Some are modern recordings, and some are old. Check them out! That are … interesting. :smile:

EDIT: Oh, it says URL is updated here: www3.telus.net/jefmil/stairwaybackwards.htm

The Eminem “My name is” song is great!

Yeah, heh, I’m sure the only reason everyone finds Britney attractive because of that damned backwards talk…

oh I think the Britney one is the most hilarious!! :lol:

someone just has a looooooot of time on their hands and was listening to it backwards and found that. BUT i still really love that backwards. i wouldn’t hesitate to believe that was real for one instant though. because Jimmy was really into the paranormal, as was robert.

after hearing the backwards verse, that just makes the song so much cooler.