"Oh wait, that was a dream"

Ever confuse dreams and reality?

This is something that used to happen to me all the time (moreso when I was living in the dorms; since I came home for the summer it rarely happens anymore). In the mornings before I decide to actually get up, when I am partially awake and fading in and out of conciousness, I will quite often have several very short, very vivid/realistic dreams in which something simple happens, such as a friend sending me an instant message, or a bottle falling off the sink, etc. When I become fully concious though, I will often fully believe that the dream actually happened, and be confused for a while before realizing it was just a stray dream-thought.

Sometimes though it’s so vivid and seems so realistic that until something shows up to dispprove it happened, I won’t even question it’s validity.

Just wondering how common this is, if anyone has any idea what causes it, etc. Maybe I’m just too trusting of my own mind :eh:

yeah i had this once, about 10 times on one night. I “awoke” and was real thirsty, so i kept reaching my arm out to get a drink of orange and got so pissed off that the drink was never there, and thoguht i got bothered to do downstairs to get a drink, and didnt, and was thirsty as ever. and since when do drinks get supplied by my bedroom wall???

i think i did go down and get a drink and i didnt really think it tasted nice after all that. meh.

All the time… I’ve thought I’ve written an entry in my DJ or did some chore, but I awaken to find I had only dreamt it up and still had to do it IRL.

Especially writing your DJ seems to be something you think you’ve just done as you wake up and realize it’s still empty. Happened to me several times now, I’m afraid I got almost used to it…

It happens to me a lot. :sad:

One time I dreamed that my girlfriend called me and decided to go ahead and go to a concert (she decided not to IRL) so i didn’t call her for the rest of the day because I thought she was going to the concert… kinda got me in trouble.

Sometimes I do. It’s normally on very small things though. For example, I’ll go to the toilet in a dream and in real life I’ll wonder whether I did actually go.

Oh i hate dreaming with food or drinks in that obsessive way. Don’t take me wrong I’m not fat or anything lol, but it’s so frustrating! I can imagine you wanting your glass of orange and I had one about a glass of water two night ago, I was so mad that I left 2 glasses the following nights hehe :content:

I have this on very small things late in the night ( actually early in the morning , 2 or 3pm) Like , did I look that up on the internet? and I know facts about it which are either real from the internet or facts that I think are really about it , but my mind really creates. I also once was listening to music , and fell into a barely unconcious state, my mom talked to me irl and in my low state dream I turned down my mp3 player. Next thing I awake to her saying, turn it down I gotta ask you something :smile:

I know what you mean! I once dreamed that I was talking to a friend on the phone, and I told him I’d call him back. In the dream, I never actually called him back, and I felt pretty guilty about it after I woke up. I was about to actually call him in reality, but then it hit me it was a dream.

I have this problem pretty bad. I’m afraid I’ve confused most of my childhood with dreams now. Sometimes I recall moments with my family about the past, and they’ll tell me it’s never happened. So I think I’m confusing my memories with dreams. Yikes.

This problem really bothers me, but it doesn’t happen to me very often. Last year, I dreamt that I was doing my French homework, and the next day I thought that I had actually done it. I ended up having to scramble to finish it at lunch.

I’ve once bolted out of bed, having dreamt that I was late for school, when it was 9 am on a Saturday.

this happened to me today. it wasn’t very interesting basically I had to tell my mum about some shampoo. i could vividly remember telling her about it but then when I asked if I’d told her, she said no. It was so real i said “really? i’m sure i did” about 12 times. It was so real though, even now it’s hard to believe it was a dream

or your mum is just real forgetful…

I’ve managed to be “late” for several events many times before they actually happen, which tends to confuse me until I take a look at the clock or whatever. The scariest one was my French GCSE exam which was one of the first times that I was responsible for getting myself out of bed and to somewhere else on time.

Sometimes dreams tell me that I have to go to work this morning and its a great way to awaken myself ! :wink:

Ugh, this used to happen to me all the time. I’d wake up and the first thing I’d think would be “Bugger, I have homework due today and I didn’t do it”. Luckily after trying to remeber what homework I had I’d usually realise it was a dream, although sometimes I’d wonder until I got to school and asked a friend

I know exactly what you mean…I have SOOO many memories that I can’t remember if they are real or dreams. I know that I do have a lot of dream memories and they always confuse me so much. :sad:

Sometimes when I dream, I will have fake memories in the dream and when I wake up I can’t remember if those memories were just dream memories or if it actually happened.

I have a problem.