Hey is this oil spill still going on. I dont know about this guys. This is catostrophic.
pretty sure it still is, it’s insane, they said hundreds of barells or more, were being spilt into the ocean EVERY day, over or not, it’s all ready destroyed our oceans.
the only safe life in there is probably the Aphotic zone or, (the zone deepest in the ocean that lets absolutely no light in) since oil rests upon water.
pretty tragic…
To be precise, black oil is very heterogeneous, and made up of both heavier-than-water substances, like tar, that covers the bottom of the ocean and makes life there almost impossible, and lighter oils, that float up and block sunlight from entering the water.
Yes it is bad. Very bad. But the ocean will recover, as is its nature. They actually learned from the Exxon-Valdez spill that the ocean has lifeforms that literally eat through the oil, so its not the ecological disaster that will end absolutely everything. Most of the world’s oceans won’t even get touched by it.
Buuut, it will take years if not decades for the gulf to recover (and it will recover). In that time both the animals and the people will suffer the most. Many animals will die, but those that can will move on. The economy of Louisiana and other gulf states will suffer the most. Seeing as how we’re just barely recovering from the biggest recession since the 1980’s, that is really, really bad timing.
So has it “destroyed the oceans?” Absolutely not. Nature can and will recover, but it will take time. We’ve hurt ourselves the worst.Not to mention, the response from both BP and the Obama administration has been laughable. None of the safeties were in place; the rig wasn’t up to safety standards, the government wasn’t prepared to respond the way they were supposed to be, the burn was put off too long because they didn’t keep the items in stock they should have. It was a lack of attention to detail that lead to this, and unfortunately it’s going to end with the absolutely wrong response.
And what’s with this moratorium on oil drilling? Isn’t the economy damaged enough? By all means, require safety checks to be sure this doesn’t happen again. Put in new regulations and new penalties for the safety of the crews and the oceans. Better yet, allow the companies to drill closer to shore where it is significantly safer. But for God’s sake don’t destroy a huge portion of gulf economy.
Also with Hurricane Alex, the oil could spread a lot further and encompass beaches all in the gulf.
OK Im really shocked that nobody is talking about this more. I understand that there is alot of media blackouts on the story, it is alot worse then what were being told. When I think about this I get this surreal feeling about it, and I feel like Im in a state of shock much like I felt on Sept 11th. Alot of people are saying this is the fullfilment of Revelations 8 8. Which says something about a angel blowing a trumpet, and spilling… This isnt a exsact quote, but… "the secound trumbet sounded, and, I saw a mountain burning cast into the sea, and one third of the sea turned to blood, and a third of the ships were destroyed. Now if you look at this oil it looks like blood, and the mountain burning in the sea was on fire refers to the oil rig that fell into the sea, and a third of the ships refers to all the fishermen who cant do there job. Anyway thats not exsact, but look it up it is really entersting. I mean… Wow why arnt more people talking about this. I figure from a spiritual/ 2012 point of view people here would be chating up a storm about it. Beleive me it is bad people, but Im not scared. This surreal feeling I get from it is one of spiritual feeling. Ive allways been up on my spiritual life, and dreams, but I guess people are more entersted in Linsey Loham going to jail.
Come on people America is so plastic. Its so frustrating here we are facing a huge dissaster that I cant even wrap my head around, and it gets worse every day with no sign it can be fixed. So what is the deal with the lack of communication about it. We have some hard times ahead of of we are looking at economical depression which is right around the corner.
This dosnt enterst anyone. I just cant wait to when people finaly realize they need to wake up, and people start living for things that really matter, and become more spiritual. Im not trying to scare people infact I wast to inspire the opposite of fear. Time is running out, and I have been saying this sence Ivebeen on this forum, because Ive allways felt it… I dont know, just keep up with your dreams, and stay close to your spirit guid. Im sure nobody will reply to this, but I just wanted to say that.
I tell you what. This is the only way I can really describe my surreal overwhelming, spiritual feeling that Im trying to descripe. Put this video on full screen, and watch it while thinking about what I was saying above. Then maybie you might understand where I am coming from. Life is beautyfull, and no matter how loud fear shouts in our ears love sings louder. See you on the other side.
I think this interests more people here in the United States than you think Kava. Unfortunately, it’s not getting the media attention it deserves because they’re doing what they’ve done with horrible outcomes of Katrina.
The government made sure they put tons of emphasis on the tragedies of 9/11 and exploited it every chance they got and still get to enrage the people to become hateful and impatient with a matter/issue no one will ever know the truth of.
All you see and hear now is how this, that and another family or company are suing BP because of monetary losses but no one is looking at the innocent lives that are being lost every day, the future of these species of plants and living animals alike that are so pitifully being over looked. In fact, on a side note, BP gas stations are all over this country and still doing business as usual and gaining capitol with American money.
There are so many individuals who’ve made their way to the Gulf to volunteer to clean up and so many of them are being turned away.
I think there are so many historical events that we can all find something biblical that would back it up. I know what you’re saying and it is frightening how similar the events are, this is strictly human error from greed.
Yea thats what really makes me mad. Ive heard so many reports of lawsuits. I mean the enviroment is really suffering, and people seem more entersted in the money they can make off of this. I would bet if the world were ending people would be hanging on to there wothless money to the very last minute. Thats exagerating a bit, but from what it seems its not far from the truth. Greed… Atleast we have our prioretys streight we may not have a planet, but damnit will have lots of money. I think thats the main reason Im frustrated, is because of the media black out. Its hard to find any new news on Youtube about it. There seem to be very few videos that go past June.
A point I would allso like to point out is… Its hard not to sound morbid, or a doomsdayer, and maybie thats how Im coming off, but the damage is being done, and nothing will change that, and we are going to drawned in the polotics of this dissaster cramed down our throwts by the media, and it should, but there is allso a spiritual side to it. Which is why I mentioned Revelations, and Im not a bible thumper, and I dont even consider myself Christian, but I am Newage, and I do mix alot of diffrent religions, and blah, blah, blah. Lets not get lost in the polotics of religion allso. I hate spliting hairs, and trying to explain my beleifs, because it takes me away from any point Im trying to meake. Being religious is so exsausting thats why I dont consider myself relegious, but spiritual… Anyway the point Im trying to make is that atleast once I want you to go for a walk, and maybie listen to your MP3 player, and really meditate on the situation, and life. Try to feel emotion, try to be moved by the overwhelming surrealness of it. Allow it to happen. Life is short, and a wonderfull thing. Dont let the T.V., and pop culter, media, and society numb you to this see it through the eyes of a child.
They will be plenty of time for polotics. Just be sure you take that spiritual walk for yourself. 9/11 was a very spiritual time in my life, and this is shaping up to be the same way… Man I cant wait till September. Like in the X Files… “I want to beleive” dont you? That is why I wanted you to see that video to explain how I felt about it emotionaly, and spirtualy. Do you know what I mean when I say it is overwhelmingly surreal now? My frustration was coming from the fact I didnt think anyone else was feeling the same way, and this is a RC sorta thing.
Peace to us all
I feel compelled to post here. Obviously Its a horrible disaster that what has happened, has happened. I do not subscribe to your elected mindset however Kava. Nor do I find anything particularly pleasant about prophecies of doom and gloom.
So you’ve been saying time has been running out for 6 years? more? if we say average life expectancy is 80 years, that’s 8% of your life and that’s just the time you have been saying it on the forum. I’d assert that as of yet, there aren’t major signs that something has happened.
Certainly not when you look back at the state we have been in, in the past. In the cold war era people lived under the constant threat that they might suddenly find themselves being blasted by nuclear weapons. Can you honestly say you have more valid reason that that, now? Recent history is relatively tame compared to the periods encompassing say World War 1 and 2.
Sorry but I’m just not prepared to swim in the sea of misery and say it’s all there is. Yes there is misery, and yes, there is a lot of it, but no it’s not all encompassing, if you believe that you need to pull your head out from under the water. If you enjoy being under it, then I won’t tell you how to live, but you shouldn’t be surprised that not everybody feels the same. There is so much more to life than imagining how soon and enormous the end of the world is going to be. I really feel by focusing on the end, and only a possible one at that, you are missing out on the whole point of being alive in the first place, but I digress, that is just one opinion, mine.
There are two parts to a journey, the destination and the journey itself. It is my firmly held belief that only a fool favours one over the other instead of enjoying both for what they are.
Sorry that my post focuses on dealing with the emotion caused by this tragedy rather than the tragedy itself, but in the light of the mood here, I feel I would be doing nothing more than wallowing in misery to do so, which as much as I’d like to see it fix things, it won’t stop the oil and it won’t bring back the animals killed because of it.
OK once again Im being missunderstood read my July 17th post… Let me try to explain it like this. Everything in the universe is energy posostive, and negative. Now these dessasters such as the oil spill, and 9/11, and anything else give off an energy, now if you are on the right path this energy when you think about it is an energy that wakes us up. Like the overwhelming spiritual feeling I said I got from the oil spill. Now if you talk about lets say the Galtic light federation when they say such things as a shift in consiosness will occure in mankind. These shifts are caused(not all of them, but some) are caused by such dissasters as the oil spill. You will feel diffrent then you did a year ago because of it. So there for these dissasters give meaning to your spiritual life. I mean the bad is there, and the good can come from it within yourself if you let it. Life is a miraculous event, and prophecys in alot of religions are pointing to this day, and age as “the end” So does that clear it up. If not I give up. So Im not swimming in a sea of missery, but the opposite. The people who swim in a sea of missery are the non spiritual people who arnt on the same path some of us are on, and that not a bad think. I mean if your Athiest your athiest. Im not downing others beleifs, and I hope Im not coming off as someone craming my beleifs down your throwt. Im just simply telling you how I feel about it all, and hopfully showing others another way of looking at it instead of depressing.
I mean if someone would have told me 20 years ago that I would learn anything I wanted from a computer, and that I would be able to learn, and travel into the spirit world while prophecys of dissasters. were being fullfilled, and I would learn, and expirance alot of miricales involving synchronicity while moving toward a certain date in time (Dec 21 2012), and receiving messages from Arch angel Micheal(GLF) I would have told whoever told me that theyve been watching too much twilightzone, but sure enough reality has lead to all of it. I mean really give the past ten years some thought it sounds like something streight out of a SiFi movie.
I beleive the next big wave of spiritual energy, and shift in consiousness will be when aliens finaly contact us on a very massive scale. This is right on top of us. I would say before the end of the year, or within a years time from now.youtube.com/watch?v=2AiHUf36 … re=related
youtube.com/watch?v=getwST_S … re=related
Well when you start a topic “This is still going on, this is catastrophic” I don’t think its unreasonable to read that you are focusing on the negative, but stop. Before you start to grind yourself up inside trying to answer my scepticism or anything like that. Calm down, from reading your posts I get the distinct impression you are highly emotionally charged, there is a strong sense of urgency around your posts. It’s this in part that I am challenging, since the points I made can easily be transferred, from looking at life through misery tainted glasses, to focusing so entirely on the next year, that you forget about the here and now.
To look at it with a view other than depressing isn’t necessarily the way to go I think. The reason for that is because sadness, regret and loss are part of our psyche, it is better to acknowledge them in my opinion and after that, then try to move on. To view it as some indicator that some huge spiritual shift is just around the corner, and then refocus your energy into that, seems a bit like chasing shadows to me to try and help yourself deal with the pain of life.
This really highlights my point I think. To start, I’d like to state for the record, that I’m not offended, nor am I saying you are bad or wrong. I’m also not even denying the possibility that something spiritually significant may be just around the corner. What I am saying, or perhaps asking is better, is, why are you so worked up over it? If it is about to happen, surely it’s just a reason to smile knowingly as you go about your life? I’m not sure regardless of the truth of your claims, that focusing all your attention on it, is the most healthy way to live. Enjoy what you have now, then if and when something happens, enjoy that too. To me it seems to be a foolproof way of living.
Ive often wondred if I do view this way of living, and looking foward to a doomsday senerio, because I am not happy with my present life, and hope to be saved by something, or am I looking foward to it, because it is effecting my present spiritual life in a great way or boath. To really give it some thought I really dont know, and its hard to say if Im not happy with my present life, because it is overshadowed by my spiritual life which is feed by this “doomsday” senerio. So it is somewhat like a paradox. I can say this if you took away my spiritual life, and I was no longer LDing, and seeing synchronicity, and whatnot then I deffintley wouldnt be happy with my present life, but I have allways been spiritual even in my younger days. So… Maybie Athiest are Athiest, because they can be, because they do not have an unhappy life so they dont need to wear spirituality as a bandaid. Hard to say