Everybody just post there most commonly tried way of LD’ing…
“What do you usually do to try to get a LD.”
- Step By Step -
Everybody just post there most commonly tried way of LD’ing…
“What do you usually do to try to get a LD.”
- Step By Step -
O-o;; Well that’s not very constructive! XD
Well… For me, I often try MILD, WILD, and the technique I try to develop, CALD.
@___a I usually get more results with CALD then I have with MILD or WILD XD. Erm…
I guess I just do as many RCs as I can remember to, and I usually get a DILD as a result! :3
And sometimes I’ll try CALD, and it’ll work ^^~ If not that, then the concentration on trying to go lucid from trying MILD or WILD will help me realize I’m dreaming at some point so…
In summary–
MILD, WILD, CALD, and RCs are what I personally do to achieve lucidity :3~
You know what, I’ve been so lazy. And I hadn’t even thought about it. I just sort of figured I did SOMETHING every night. But it’s very often not much at all. But somehow I still do something or other and It get’s me a few LDs a week. I actually think that it’s not so much different no matter what I do. But that can’t be right. I used to have LDs more frequently.
But I can teel you this. I do reality checks whenever feel the urge to, like just now I did one. And another one. I always do some RCs while I brush my teeth.
When I go to bed I usually remind myself that I want to lucid dream. And if I am not too tired, I listen to this LD induction program(I say program because it’s a bunch of mp3s) called Brainwave mind voyages - Lucid dreaming. Wich takes me into a meditative state and plants thoughts and such. But I don’t fall asleep listening to it so at some point I get fed up with it and remove the headphones. Then I lay there and try to Get as close to WILDing as I can, repeating “I’m dreaming”. Usually I don’t fall asleep when I do this because I can’t fall asleep on my back, at least not when I first go to bed. I get some strain in my legs need to bend them so I call it a night and turn over to my side, for some reason I can hardly concentrate when I lay on my side. If I’m lucky this is enough to get me a lucid dream.
If I wake up in the night and feel like I have the energy I start repeating “i’m dreaming” while going back to sleep.
Also I keep a dream journal. I usually don’t write down anything until the morning, because I’m lazy and I often get to suffer the consequence of forgetting something cool I remembered earlier. I also set a weekly goal of a number of LDs and keep track of that. I feel it serves as a motivator, especially on a slow week.
I also come here and read stuff. Write on and on about things.
i can LD by waking up, and instantly going back into the dream at full consciousness, or i can “break free” of any dream, which is my usual method.
EDIT: oh yes. step by step.
instantly going back:
Wake up
don’t open your eyes, or think any thoughts
after about 5 seconds, watch the HI that will start to appear
once it finishes, you’re LDing
“breaking free”
Start dreaming
either notice a DS, or get lucky (this is not so reliable, but yields best results if you do get lucky {you get the whole night, FTW})
Thanks everyone.