Old Forums

First thing i remember was this forum with purple eyes/design.I just remember lots of violet/purple.Dont know what number it had or what is iconboard.But thats when i have joined first time.
And no,i dont remember myself complaining:)…maybe except this annoying fact that every time i have manage to post like 30 or so posts there has to be some changes made and we had to start all over again.
Personally i feel most sentiment to the green forum with no sections.Cant recall its name tho.Latest one before this.
its nice to bring back such memories:)

lol jack i remember you asking if all regulars could have back their postcount from the old forum so you didn’t have to start out with 0 again :gni:

yes, the green forum was the n54 forum first version. after that i changed the layout of the site in which forum was now a blue button so the bg had to be blue too :grin: - then the layout of n54 changed too … the old green one had the topics aranged like in a newsgroup with threads and topic titles for each reply.

I remember that i started post count three times or so.First it was not many-30 maybe…then when there was green one n54 i think i had over 100…
Now…if its going to happen once more it will just break my nervous system down for good:)

lol you and me both :razz:. Q are you planning any further changes to the forums?

since that is the 2nd time you ask it i think i should reply now :wink:

i don’t plan any changes exept little ‘upgrades’ and i foresee a layout/color change so it matches the new layout.

lol ty Q. yer i was kinda eger to know that is all. :smile: