WOW, i never thought a wild cold be so damn cool. i woke up in the morning, took a shower, dressed, then found out it was a late arrival day. i was able to sleep for an hour longer. after play cs: source for a while, i headed for the bed for to try some wilding.
I closed my eyes, trying to think of nothing. after a long while, (not very long, 5-15 minutes), i felt it, that feeling that its the time.
so i gave my mind a scene: me on a roller coaster, about to come down the slope.
i thought about it for like 4 or 5 seconds, then BAM. light came out of nowhere, it was soooooooooo amazing. i looked up into a clear sky, then i looked down into the tracks of a roller coaster. it took me down fast, and boy was the stomach churning real.
it ended very fast, but the way it just poped up, as if i was just transported there, and the way the light of the sun just flooded the darkness that was there, was in every way totally amazing.
i remember waking up and being like “holy shit, did that just happen? i just left my bed for half a freaking minute!!!”
The one in Novemeber was a similar WILD to yours: I got an image and I was kinda “transported” into it. Last month I had a similar experience too. My first WILDs were obtained by using the counting method, and in those I didn’t feel any transition at all: one moment I was in bed, awake, and the other I was in bed, dreaming. I had 5 of those. And there are WILDs that I got from relaxing back into the dream just after waking up from it, and these are accompanied by SP-like symptoms, and I had 3 of these. So the total is 2+5+3 = 10 WILDs