OMG! I'm so excited about LDing!

Thanks for the warm welcome and encouragment!

I’m having some trouble with dreamrecall past nights. I jump out of bed and then think about dreams… not the moment I wake up.
Now I’ve written a little note saying “dreams” next to my pillow on the wall. I hope that does the trick, cause if I dont move I can usually recall alot. Plus I try to make a habit of doing RC every time I see text.

Whoo! Way to go Wrox! :thumbs:

lol, all the naysayers that say you can’t do it are only denying the truth that you can learn to do it at will, with practice, because they can’t do it themselves. they are jealous, and plus it is differnt for everyone! :boogie:

AS you see i have a very BAD temper and i am also a community spirit, add those two together and you will see me replying every posts like that what ilovelucid wrote.

Edit: And btw. i have been in many forums including the treaded runescape forum (Dont go at me, its long time ago) so i was lil astonished when this place was so…calm and friendly…I wont tolerate those who break the good spirit!!

As long as you can still forgive him if and when the time comes…

First off, everyone should kiss and make up, and not be snarling at each other…

Second I’m starting another offensive on lucidity blockers.

^^He has a point, but this is also a relitively old topic…most of the posts took place about…nine months ago? While that’s not a long time, I’m sure everyone has already gotten over it. :whew:

…I’m glad that’s the only time I’ve seen something so negative on this forum. For the most part everyone here is great!

I think it’s safe to assume that everyone’s over it already, considering this thread is almost a year old. :content:

[color=red]That’s right. I lock this old thread.[/color]