On Psipog. "The truth will set you free."

Oh. Facepalm :tongue:

Anyway, that post did make sense. Active Psi was quite well put together besides.


Thanks for the responses, Sean.

I love seeing a debate on a forum that doesn’t end in name calling :smile:

Sean never showed me because I never asked him to. He’s a good enough friend that, if he says he did something, I didn’t doubt him. If he weren’t able to reproduce those results in front of me, does that mean he’s a liar? Do I want to call him out on something he takes very personally and usually very internally? He never denied or was cryptic, but I also never felt a need to extract anything from him.

Again, I NEVER see forum debates with nice people. It makes my day, lol.


Hey cool that Sean is here…mhh so you are gone to the sceptics now genkai? i dont think it was a good idea to archive a site just cuz you thougt you had personal proof(others want proof too :grin: :grin: )…good that finally there is some discussion about the ASmattman vid here,and thanks genkai that you posted a qoute (i wasnt there when ASmattman/funkifiknow posted his revelation that it was a fake …it was a BIG emberrrasment for astralsociety so they deleted the topic and all i heard about it was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrg diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee :smile: …mhh hatter could you maybe make a vid ? i mean if it coming from an ld4all member its more credible . also you would risk temporary banning if it was exposed a fake (see benDrumming ) so we have at least a small guarantee you arent faking (or its asured you will fake as good as you can :grin: )

This really isn’t a personal attack or anything, I don’t care enough about “psi” to go around arguing about it, but dude, as a fellow human being, I advise you to talk to a mental heath professional about that voice.

I’m not sure I follow you here…science makes new discoveries all the time and society still functions. Granted the discovery of things like the earth being round and revolving around the sun, the theory of evolution, general and special relativity, and quantum physics changed the way we look at the world, but life goes on. Human society is still here and functioning as well as we should expect given all of the other problems we still face. And, we should embrace new knowledge, especially if it challenges old beliefs and superstitions, because it’s better to understand the universe as it really is than to persist in our false notions and ideas, even if we don’t like the way the universe really is.

Besides, anyone who could actually prove that psionics were real, beyond any shadow of a doubt, would surely get the Nobel Prize…and they would deserve to get it too! A discovery like that could revolutionize our understanding of reality, which is why I remain a skeptic…because for some reason, sometimes when somebody finds ‘proof’ for themselves, they stop trying to prove it to everyone else (no offense SeanC), which is the wrong thing to do imo. If someone had actual scientific proof of psionics, then they should bring it to the attention of the scientific community, not for fame or money or glory, but because if it’s true, then we should all know about it.

I’m fairly sure he’s talking about communicating with his subconscious, not the other kind of voices.

Unfortunately, that’s very much a cop-out IMO.
They should be prepared to risk their reputation for the truth and show some guts. If you did know it was real, then you had nothing to lose!

That would qualify as yet another dodging of the question at hand. It is quite kind of you to not doubt him, but isn’t that a bit absurd? Surely you didn’t just take this in passing. Having a friend demonstrate his alleged abilities could change your life! It is hardly “extracting” something from him by requesting just a bit of evidence for his extraordinary claim. Especially because it is such a big part of his life what with ALW and all. Some might consider it rude that you were taking their word without question.

And Sean, telling people to get their own proof when you have no doubt in your mind about psi, couldn’t that be seen as selfish and even Elitist? I doubt you’re that lazy. :happy:

Then, if people found that didn’t work, you could always blame it on them and not Psi, further perpetuating the delusion. There is always a backdoor when it comes to Psychic Phenomena, apparently.

Now please understand that I am not trying to be confrontational, merely trying to get to the bottom of this.

That’s a bit unfair, IMO. They were in college together, not just living together randomly. If I had to guess, apt just didn’t really care about it at the time. If Sean said he could do it then that was good enough for him and then he went back to partying/studying.

But Xgamer, if someone claimed that they could preform Psionics and you were their roommate for College for four whole years, wouldn’t it be logical to think that you would express at least a little disbelief? I mean, seriously.

How could someone not care about potential proof that Psychic things were real? I would ask if he cared to prove it, and if he didn’t I would think one of two scenarios. Either he’s crazy or he’s lying. And there is a video of Peebrain doing PK here. Either it’s a fake, you lied, and you can’t do PK…Or it’s real and you never did it for Jesse. Not making much sense.

web.archive.org/web/200206011833 … psipog.net /media.php

Surely somewhere in the course of things Jesse asked you to show him some of your abilities, Sean? If you did show it to him, why is it he said that

Something just doesn’t add up. Jesse is sure that Sean was not misleading anyone on Psipog, but never bothered to ask for some simple proof? I mean they could be good friends, but still, it’s a stretch.

I assume that by very late you mean the ones beginning from November 28th, 2004. Late? Not really. (Wayback Machine can do wonders, eh?)

See for yourself.

Then type in www.psipog.net and go to Nov.28, 2004.

I just want the truth about Psipog.

Mr. Conelly, that’s all very interesting, and I’m glad you posted your rebuttals/explanations, but:

How long until I can phase through objects!? I need my proofs!

Your second post was an eye-opener, by the way.

You’re underestimating the human ability to just not care. This doesn’t seem like something Sean would bring up very often. His roommate basically said he knew Sean well enough to not automatically disbelieve what Sean said, and if Sean never really brought it up it seems like something you’d just kinda forget about.

Of course, the problem with this is that said roommate cared enough to come here and express his opinions about it so he had to have at least known SOMETHING, sooo…

I don’t know, really.

As for the Google Ads thing, while for the length of time the site was running 2004 doesn’t seem late, you have to realize the site was at least in existence a good two and half years before they were added. It’s not late, but it’s definitely not earlier, either.

Xgamer, Sean runs a website about it. Had to come up eventually.

But the Google Ads? Not sure on that one.

Wow, I didn’t check for a few days. I guess I need to bookmark this thread for a while.

As far as the ads go, I may have been incorrect by saying “late in the game.” I lived with Sean from 2002 to 2005, or somewhere in there. I come from a website background, not a psionics background, meaning when I spoke with Sean about his website, it was about the html and css and not usually about the content. So I was aware of his website long before we talked about him putting the ads up. That’s where the “late in the game” came up.

Here’s a quick story about how I learned of Sean’s psionics and his website, and maybe it will give you some of my perspective.

I knew Chris. Chris was Sean’s roommate their freshman year at college. For sophomore year, I was looking to move up and join Chris, and Chris and Sean were looking to get out of the dorms. I had visited once or twice and slept on the dorm room floor, had some drinks with them and generally hung out. Chris mentioned to me over the phone once that Sean believed he had these abilities. I was like “Sean is crazy.” I had never heard anything about this, it sounded very science fiction. So Chris pointed me to psipog, and I got kind of intrigued and it seemed pretty cool, if not a little far fetched.

So tried a few experiments, the psi ball, the pinwheel, with minimal results. The pinwheel would move some, sometimes even switching directions when I “told” it to. I could perceive some psi energy, or I thought I could. I was never confident, but was always open minded.

So my reaction was “This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen or heard about, and I have to talk to Sean about it when I move up there.”

So I moved up there, and not wanting to be an asshole, our first conversations did not center around his beliefs or abilities. I brought up the topic a few times over a few beers, and we had some really good conversations; meaning of life, nature of existence stuff… the kind of conversations everyone has when they move out for the first time and drink a lot :smile:

To me, Sean never acted like his beliefs were facts. Rather, they were beliefs that he was sure of. I’m not sure if this distinction carries well in the written word, but there is a world of difference. If he would have put a pinwheel in front of me and spun it, I don’t think I would have been convinced fully. Short of “floating me” the remote control from across the room, there’s not much he could have done.

I asked him about things like phasing through objects, and he believed it was possible, and he believed he had spoken with people who have had the experience. I don’t think I ever said “Show me.”

I tried a few times to “send” him a thought, while I was sitting in my room and he in his. “This is Jesse, come tell me you hear me.” Or something like that. Because he never did, does that mean he’s lying? Does that mean it’s impossible?

I remember asking him about telekinesis, and he said at that point he didn’t see a practical application with the amount of control people can exert over physical psi energy, eg. the pinwheel was getting close to the max amount of physical manipulation he had seen at that point. Or at least that’s how I took it.

I’m not here to argue that Psionics is real. Are they? Aren’t they? Can we lump these abilities we don’t understand into one category?

My wife told me a long time ago (before she was my wife) that she perceived colors resonating from some people every so often. I don’t even know if she remembers. Do I believe her? Yes. Does that mean I put stock in auras and things like that. Not necessarily.

I feel like I’ve rambled here, but I’m only trying to give you some perspective on what I said earlier. My initial intent on coming here was to stand up for Sean, which I found was not necessary.

Defending Psipog is not necessary, either. I really don’t care, as I wasn’t heavily involved with the site. Plus I’m quite confident that Sean is not very affected by any disbelief in his site.

Genkai, I’m not sure what you’re trying to “add up.” Maybe you’re saying I’m lying, or he’s lying, or we’re not telling the whole truth, or we’re omitting things. Or maybe you’re not asking the right questions to get the answers you’re looking for. At any rate, good luck with your search.


Thank you for the reply. I wasn’t really asking for you to defend Psipog, I’m just grateful that you presented your viewpoint. Knowing this, I understand that you never asked Sean to “show you” and can say that you guys aren’t out to hurt anybody, at least knowingly.

Good luck with your efforts.

It’s funny to me that I would be considered some of “the most convincing piece of evidence for Psi [you’ve] ever seen,” never having put much effort into it. I understand what you’re saying, though.

I guess bringing a more personal feel rather than being seen as some distant “internet character” gives more credence to the topic.

Again, good luck, I think I’d like to look a little more into it, too, after these conversations.


I’ve been reading along this topic for a while, but I kept holding my tongue :tongue:

I’m glad to see that Genkai is willing to give it another shot.

I found PsiPog just before it was archived (I never got into the forums or anything), and showed my friend. When it was archived, I took all the rumors of Psi being declared false with a “grain of salt” Well more like a “pound of salt” :tongue: I kept trying and still refer back to psipog about practice articles and stuff. I’ve had limited success, with psiballs, and my friend has had none, but neither of us have given up.

I’m also really glad this didn’t become a flaming war :colgate:

You have no idea.

Oh my goodness… does someone actually understand what I’m trying to say? :smile: Man I hope so.

Thanks for the thought. I taught my father to hear a voice in his head too… maybe our craziness runs in the family :wink:? (I bet I could teach you as well! :-P)

Go do some research. There have been plenty of scientists who have “proven” that psychic abilities are real. But you won’t. And those scientists who did the work won’t get a prize.

This whole conversation is funny to me.

I’ve participated in this conversation so many times. I’ve been having this conversation for years. The usernames change, my responses change, but the patterns are the exact same.

Do you know that sometimes I attempt to end this conversation by offering proof? One time, this conversation led to the skeptic offering me money to prove it. I said ok. I jumped through his hoops, and succeeded. The skeptic said that it was very curious, and that he couldn’t explain what I just did. Then he left. (I never got my money).

Another time I jumped through the hoops, and the skeptic just replied, “Yes, you were right.” And then left. That particular skeptic didn’t promise me any money though, but I still wanted to hear his thoughts on what he witnessed.

Usually the conversation ends up in just a complete mess. Somehow I turn up to be the cheat and liar. shrugs I had a guy actually call my cell phone, and bitch at me for about an hour about how much of a fraud I am. He said I was in it for the money. When I explained to him that the ads make barely enough money to pay for server costs, he concluded that I must be fake, though he couldn’t figure out why I would want to lie to so many people. And that I was a jackass.

I had another cell phone call from someone telling me they were going to take down the website. They left a voice mail, which I still have recorded somewhere… saying something like, “I’m going to take PsiPog down.”

It’s all so ridiculous.

It’s a maze, made by the mind.

See, you’re not really looking for proof. You think that you are, but you’re really not. You’re looking for confirmation of your model of reality. The skeptic can only see frauds. The dentist only sees teeth. The grandmaster only sees chess. The CEO only sees profits.

It’s those moments of consciousness where interesting things happen. We’re not conscious. We’re mostly robots, running predetermined scripts. We’re zombies. It’s cliche, but it’s true. We’re conscious when we’re young, but we lose it. We inherit our parents’ belief structures, and we’re left navigating the same maze our parents have been stuck in.

I can’t offer you proof. Ultimately, that’s what it boils down to. I can’t quench the thirst you have. I know you’ve convinced yourself that I can. I know it seems simple from your perspective. I know that when I say, “I can’t offer you proof,” that your skeptic mind spatters off how much of a fraud I am, and how I’m avoiding it because I’m a liar. And your skeptical mind tells you how simple it would be for me to give some proof. I’m aware of that.

The truth is your skeptical mind is what removes the proof. The truth is that you’ve already seen proof, but your skeptical mind is what erased it. Proof is everywhere. Proof is simple. You can prove to yourself that psionics is real in 5 minutes. In 5 minutes from now, you could have your proof. But you won’t. And you think your skeptical mind is helping you, but really it’s the skeptical mind that stops you from having your 5 minute proof.

Now I’m not saying that being skeptical is a bad thing. There is healthy skepticism that isn’t based on addiction. There is a skepticism that looks openly at what’s in front of it. But we rarely see that type of skepticism. The skepticism we see around us is the one that demands immediate proof. The one that jumps to conclusions. The one that patiently waits for one slip up, ready to pounce with wonderfully vague concepts like “coincidence”, or “cold reading”, or “proof”.

I’ve had people ask, “If psychic abilities are real, then why haven’t I heard about it on the news?” When I paste them a video clip from a news show, on psychic abilities being real, they’ll claim that I still didn’t answer their question.

I’ve had people ask, “If psychic abilities are real, then why hasn’t science declared it?” When I paste them links to scientific documents proving that psychic abilities are real, they don’t read them. I don’t blame them, the documents are usually really dry and boring :-P. But they do exist.

I’ve had people ask, “If you are psychic, why don’t you do the Randi Challenge?” When I tell them that I tried, and that they fabricated false emails out of thin air to make me look stupid, they claim that that couldn’t possibly be true :-P. Hahaha.

It is funny to me. It’s funny because I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’ve seen the proof. I’ve seen the arguments. I’ve seen the mental acrobatics the mind performs in order to maintain it’s model of reality. I’ve read the documents. I’ve experienced the phenomenon. I’ve had people tell me that I didn’t experience what I experienced. “You can’t have out of body experiences because it’s not in the bible.” - “But I did.” - “No, you couldn’t have.” That one was great.

Ahhh… reality :smile:.

Ya know what it comes down to? I’m not crazy. I’m not stupid. I’m not a liar. I’m not a fraud. I don’t do it for the money. I don’t do it for the fame. It’s not a prank. It’s not a joke.

I am honest, and I’ve presented myself honestly on PsiPog.net. And I’ll continue to present myself honestly in life. If you can’t deal with it, then tough ■■■■. I’m not responsible for the maze in your own mind. I can try to help, one human to another, but you’re the one who has to make the move.

Are you aware? Have you ever asked yourself why you need that proof so bad? “Because it’s a pretty big deal, SNORT!” - “Hey, you made the claim, not me, SNORT!” - “The burden of proof lies on anyone except me, SNORT!” Heh.

Keep running that maze. Just watch out for 4 left turns :-P.


I’m wondering what kind of childhood you had, Mr. Connelly :smile:

When I was first introduced to PsiPog, I never thought I’d be, well, corresponding with Peebrain himself. I had my fair share of success with psionics as well, but always sought more, so your post speaks to me.

Anyway, I digress. I’ll try to keep this succinct.

It’s funny when you see something in a new light; when you experience a paradigm shift. When you have an oh-too-brief moment of clarity and you see the universe for what it really is, all the underlying structure and connection. When you realize for a moment that everything makes sense, but since it does make sense, it doesn’t matter.

When you see the truth but all you can do is smile sadly.
I live for these moments.

Thank you, Mr. Connelly. And have a wonderful day.