On the Road to 2012

1976 days left…

…I’ll just wait and see.

The world is in the midst of this “change”. But on that date: Dec 21 2012, like explora said, there will be a dramatic shift. All i can say is, it will not pass us by, like Y2K. And those maya really had it together, well not really. haha

Only time can tell. If we make it till 2008 that is. :wink:

I’m feeling pretty thankful that I live in on like a mountain away from a big city, in case nuclear bombs start going off…

:lol: A second Cold War . I live in the middle of the United States so I’ll be safe away from the major cities. Unless Kansas City is a target :eek: I live close to there! :cry:

I’ve been reading a bit about the 13 Moon Calendar recently, and while it does seem to be a very promising concept, there is a lot of criticism regarding its accuracy. I read an article today which argued against Dreamspell and the logic used by Jose Arguelles. The author provided a good amount of scientific and mathematic reasoning and information; he detailed some of the core concepts of Arguelles’ calendar and exposed their mathematic inaccuracy. He then showed that the rebuttals made by Arguelles hardly supported Dreamspell and related theories. In addition, the article cites numerous resources which show that the Dreamspell is hardly a Mayan calendar.


I’d like to read more about this.