On the subject of newborn children (and LD's)

This is a split topic from this discussion

Babies are holy! Their minds are almost entirely empty and you can stare into them and receive such a strong connection!

Be so careful! You can take any random baby, and make it into a saint, a bum, a hater, a lover, a serial killer… do not let your child be exposed to television, media violence, or any of the stupid culture that is raping children rampantly!

Give it exposure to the fine arts, nurture in it strong unconditional love, and try to keep it out of any hostile schooling environments… I would honestly home school.

Do not underestimate the power of peers and the media. They are stronger than you are and most children spend more time interacting with TV and children who have learned from bad influences on TV than they ever will with their parents.

Don’t fill the babies mind with blood, gore, hostility, impatience, ADD, commercials, interruptions, distractions. Try and keep it as pure as possible.

It’s a wonderful precious gift, give it the best you can. A wonderful diet, great habits. Constant love.

They have blank slates for minds, they are like a computer running smoothly, don’t let viruses get installed.

they are pretty much constantly in a psychedelic state and they have no choice but to pay more attention to everything they encounter than most adults are even close to capable of. This means that all the hostile words come from a movie, they pay complete attention to, this means that all the harsh tones, they break down into the most fundamental key parts and resonate with the source of the tones themselves.

They are tripping and constantly taking in… with no filters in place. They do not understand how to ignore, so every sensual experience is extremely intense and 10,000 times amplified as our sensory experiences are, so please be so mindful and only give your child the best, as if your child was a holy angel, a Saint, a Boddhisattva, Jesus himself. Treat him that way.

So in other word, you want to completely shield children from the real world? You are the reason why people are pussies these days. If you want a healthy child, they NEED to see that violence exists. Would you rather have your kid see violence on TV or be completely surprised when they experience it for themselves?

Please tell me you don’t have kids. At least that will allow me to hope that you’re sterile.

Wow. Hoping for sterility? That’s harsh. I might agree that some of HR’s post was a little overly idealistic and romanticized, but there’s something to be said about taking the responsibility of rearing a child seriously. I’m not saying shield them completely (as if you could), but you have to be keenly aware of what they are exposed to and get in there as a parent to do what you can to moderate what they do see. This is parents’ prerogative, whether you exercise it or not. Doing little or nothing to shield or moderate the influences of culture is probably as bad as totally shielding them.

Eying the moderator for the O/T flag, that’s my 2 cents’ worth. Peace.

Let’s not be hatin’ on each other :grin:

There is something beautiful about the pure innocence of a newborn baby. There are also appropriate ages to expose children to the vast array of freighting images that this world contains. The age of reason and logic isn’t until age 7, so there are good reasons to shield young children from violence and hatred until they can begin to have a sense of self awareness.

I actually see both sides of this debate, as I felt I was severely sheltered by my mother growing up, when all it resulted in was me pushing back harder and rebelling in my teenage years. Establishing a relationship of trust would have been much more effective than trying to enforce an impossible boycott of trash in the media and public school.

On the other hand, easily impressionable children don’t need to be exposed to horror films that will cause them nightmares before they are old enough to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Personally, I plan to teach my son to Lucid Dream at as early an age as possible. Children understand the difference between dreams and being awake quite early on, and since the REM stage last the longest and occurs the most frequently in young children, I feel this is the ideal time to learn the skills of Lucid Dreaming. I only wish my dad would have done the same for me. Being able to conquer ones nightmares is an incredible confidence builder that will have positive implications in other areas of ones life.

Thanks to everyone for checking out my post and for adding your comments.

I thought this topic was an LD dream idea. It even started with "
I know that many of this board’s members are guys" :grin:
That’s one thing I’ll pass if you don’t mind!

(my apologies PL, I realize that my observations about the nature of the post should have referred to Holy Reality - I’m about to edit it :happy: ).

Good points, PL and I agree pretty much with all of them. I have a question for you regarding teaching your child(ren) about lucid dreaming. I’d be interested in doing the same thing, especially for my oldest, who is probably most like me temperamentally. I haven’t brought the topic up with my wife as yet. She seems to regard my fascination with LDing as curious and something that’s fine for me to do, but I don’t think she really gets it. I think she’d be a little less sanguine if I wanted to start teaching it to my kids. How does your partner feel about it?

My wife isn’t one of those people fearful that toying with your subconscious mind goes against the natural world and is reserved behavior for the occult.

At the same time, trying to motivate her to join me in Lucid Dreaming practices like reality checks and autosuggestion have been met with lukewarm motivation at best. However, I did buy her a dream journal for Christmas this year. The question is, will she use it? :content:

I have already expressed to her my intentions of guiding our little guy into the world of lucid dreaming, if for nothing more than dealing with nightmares.

And what child doesn’t have nightmares? Perhaps if you take that approach as your primary motivation, your wife will figure it may actually have benefits beyond virtual reality wish fulfillment.

Maybe next time one of your three kids comes into your bedroom in the middle of the night after having a bad dream, the following morning would be an ideal time to broach the subject…

Children, since they are big enoght to understand should learn about everything. I am not saying to like show them everything. Just enogh to be able to make a informed desion.
About home schooling I think it is the worst thing ever. Kids that have been home schooled might have less socialy active life in my opinion. :cool:

I strongly disagree I think that if you let a child grow up with no pain and suffering in there life they will not now how this things feel and therefore being careless if they do this upon others.
They will become spoiled and probably end up like that man I know that when 3 small girls asked him if he would give money to war victims he answered no, because he needed money for a bigger television!

Also you say that children is pure and has no personality when they are born, but I think that it was proofed to be wrong.

Oookaaaaaay. I hate to think of the psychological trauma your child will go through when he/she starts school and realises they’re excluded because they have hardly anything in common with the other children.

Yes, perhaps near total isolation from other children is better, considering that they would probably have been ridiculed by their peers at school for never watching TV or knowing anything about the latest kids’ bands and toys. I feel incredibly sorry for them, though, never having the opportunity for a normal childhood.

Holy reality, I’m going to be perfectly honest with you. If you carry on like this and don’t change your attitude, your children are going to be irrevocably damaged by your need to incessantly control every tiny aspect of their lives. In short, if what you say here is your true view of things, you’d make a terrible parent. Children need to have peers, or else how are they supposed to learn social interaction? Please don’t ever have children, seriously. It sounds like you want to lock them away in some kind of prison!

And that’s why I am very worried right now unless you reassess your priorities.

Just as they do to an overbearing control freak of a parent. Careful.

Exactly where did you get this information from? I want to see it for myself.

Holy Reality does have a good point though- chillderen are the most succeptable group to evil influences. I recall when I was five, and two of my cousins decided to teach me a curse word. My immideate family did not use the word, so I’d had no history with it. With no knowledge of morals to fall back on, I thought it was a cool word. So I started using it a bunch that day. My cousins tried to tell me later it was a bad word, but the damage was done and I didn’t believe them. After all, if they knew it was a bad thing to say, why would they teach it to me? I finally stopped using it after my uncle told me it was bad, but he curses as well so I still didn’t take him very seriously at the time. (By the way, that was actively teaching. Think about how often things like that happen on accedent in the home.)

As chillderen grow up, they are influenced my different sorces. At their youngest age, it is almost soley by their family, which is why parents and siblings must be role models to show them correct principals without being hippocritic. Hipocracy only teaches kids not do do something when you’re around. As they grow up, they’re influenced more by friends, teachers, politics, media, etc. These groups have the potential to be a wonderfull and vital experience to aid in growth. However, they also have equal potential to be some of the most destructive forces for chillderen. Bad things can easily be presented in an entertaining and funny way. I’ve had experience with both extremes growing up. I got pulled into some undesirable areas of thought once I was desensitized enough to it, and it was difficult for me to pull away. Parents don’t need to isolate chillderen from these groups, but it’s vital to the child that they not be afraid to teach and help understand what they may be exposed to and that they don’t need to follow it like some people they will meet.

During the teen years is pretty much the second biggest influence on a child, and like all the rest, can be wonderful or destructive. This is the time when the destructive influences are most likely rebellious or immoral in nature. These are some of the most dangerous ones as well because they can not only affect their entire life, but can affect the lives of their spouce and chillderen- sometimes for generations afterward.

So what do you do? You can try to isolate your chillderen, but that ultimately is impossible and attempting to is damaging. Ex. Trees that are well watered and cared for constantly often have a less elaborate root system. When a storm comes, they are the most likely to succumb to it and topple over. However, you definately shouldn’t let your kid do whatever they want. The best thing to do is to teach your child what you believe, and most important of all, to live the way you want your child to live. Teach all your childeren to do the same. I have two sisters, and I’ve seen the younger one grow to have many of the same interests and desires as the older one, (not saying that’s a bad thing in her case. :content: ) and I, frustratingly enough, have developed many of the same habits as my dad. :tongue: Teach them to look for the good in life: make good friends, watch good movies, read good books, listen to good music. Help them to understand what is undesirable for them and teach them to have the strength to refuse them when they are faced with it. The hardest part about refusing to be exposed to certain things is the sublety of the exposure. This is very real in movies and music. Many are laced with things that are not good, not too much, not to little, so you are faced with the maximum exposure to it that you will tolerate by mixing it with comedy, action, a good tune or beat, popular people, etc.

Once you teach your child these things, you need to have faith in them that they will follow your teachings when they are away from you. The best way to ensure that is to give your child reason to have faith in, and respect you. To have faith that you might know the long term effects of certain desisions, for good or bad, better than they might at the moment. When you tell them not to, or to do something, it helps immensly that you do the same, or have stopped doing what is contrary to what you are trying to teach. Basically, if you love and respect them, most of the time the feeling will be mutual.